The Inward Journey (Part 1)

Urban Mystics

Jul 22 2023 • 13 mins

The Inward Journey (Part 1)

I’m trying something a bit different this week. This is part 1 of two parts that I am releasing together. Part 1 is a way of introducing the direction of the meditation in part 2.

Part 1 is not a guided meditation – it’s more of a preparation talk before moving into the practice that follows in Part 2. The “talk” is about the movement of the soul in contemplative prayer. So far on Urban Mystics, our meditations have been predominantly geared to move someone towards God in communion. This “towards God” movement is fundamental to contemplative prayer – but so is the movement “towards self.” The movement in reflective prayer towards a deeper awareness of self might feel different for some listeners. It’s more personal. It has the potential to trek into some areas of our inner-life that we would rather leave alone and not talk about. We follow the Holy Spirit to encounter these places on the Spirit’s terms – not ours. And, we do this, knowing that at no point is the Spirit motivated to bring condemnation, guilt, punishment, or shame to these places. Instead, if the Spirit leads us to encounter a shadow place within our soul, it is to bring healing, restoration, and freedom. Most often, our internal shadows are the result of deeper soul wounds – wounds that need to be healed and wounds that have led us to buy into lies that we need liberation from.

It feels like a big step to do a meditation exercise that is intentionally focused on internal awareness and woundedness, which is why I am offering this Part 1 as an introduction as preparation for Part 2.

This episode is written, hosted and produced by Tony Duppong, exclusively for the Urban Mystics Podcast.

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Episode Audio Credits:

  • Tabula Rasa by Purrple Cat

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