The Happya Life

Clare Deacon

Want to live a happier life? On this show you will get proven approaches to help you achieve the life you deserve. To feel happy and fulfilled. To believe in yourself, to feel confident and energised, ready to take on your next challenge. Want to find a balance between your own needs and those of others? To let go of what is not helping you live your best life. To free yourself from overwhelm and inner critic telling you “You aren’t good enough”? Your host, Clare Deacon, is a qualified positive psychology coach and therapist and founder of Happya. With a passion for helping people like you transform from being frustrated and unhappy, hindered by past experiences, into being confident, energised, and focused, ready to fulfil your potential. Her expertise provides the benefits of both coaching and therapy, removing self-limiting beliefs, creating a path to future success, supporting you to achieve your goals. read less
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Thriving Through Anxiety: Strategies for Inner Peace
May 16 2024
Thriving Through Anxiety: Strategies for Inner Peace
Welcome to another episode of the Happya Life podcast. I'm your host Clare Deacon, and today, we're diving deep into the topic of anxiety and exploring strategies for finding inner peace. As Mental Health Awareness Week continues, it's essential to shine a light on the state of mental health in the UK, especially amidst the challenges brought about by the pandemic. We'll discuss the significance of positive psychology in navigating anxiety, share personal experiences, and provide actionable steps you can take to soothe your anxiety and reclaim your well-being. So, whether you're looking to manage your own anxiety or support a loved one, stay tuned for valuable insights and inspiration. Let's dive in!.Over the past few years, we've witnessed a concerning trend of deteriorating mental health among individuals in the UK. The pressures of modern life, coupled with the challenges brought about by the pandemic, have taken a significant toll on our well-being. The traditional mental health system often approaches mental health from an illness ideology, focusing solely on treating symptoms rather than addressing underlying causes which simply offer short-term relief only before issues come back more intensively.At Happya, we believe in a different approach. We're dedicated to providingresources and support to help you combat the effects of anxiety and othermental health challenges so that you can live a healthier, happier life. Ourgoal is to empower you to take control of your mental well-being and thrive,not just survive. Our approach is grounded in positive psychology, whichfocuses on building strengths and fostering resilience rather than justtreating symptoms.Positive psychology offers a unique lens through which we can view mental health and well-being. Instead of dwelling on past traumas or problems, positive psychology encourages us to focus on our strengths, values, and aspirations. It's about moving forward, not getting stuck in the past.I understand firsthand the limitations of traditional therapy approaches when it comes to trauma. When I was going through my own process of recovery from trauma, I found myself continually swimming in my own swamp of trauma. I didn't want to spend sessions going over old wounds, reliving painful memories, but I did need to acknowledge them and let go in order to allow them to heal. That's where positive psychology made all the difference.Our trauma-informed approach at Happya acknowledges the impact of past traumas while also focusing on building resilience and fostering healing. It's about creating a safe space where you can explore your experiences without retraumatising yourself. We don't ignore the past, but we also don't let it define your future.I've seen countless individuals give up on therapy because they felt like it wasn't working or because they believed they were too broken to change. But the truth is, healing is possible, and positive psychology offers a pathway forward. It's about empowering individuals to reclaim their lives, to find joy and purpose even in the face of adversity. It isn’t them who have failed it is the system.No matter your starting point there are always going to be steps you will need to take to not only maintain but improve your wellbeing and during mental health awareness we are focusing on anxiety. Let's dive into our discussion about anxiety. Anxiety is a natural response to stress and can manifest in various ways, from persistent worry to physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat and muscle tension. While occasional anxiety is normal, chronic, or excessive anxiety can interfere Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
The Power of Self Love: Building a strong foundation for happiness
Feb 9 2023
The Power of Self Love: Building a strong foundation for happiness
In this episode, we will be exploring the power of self-love, what it is and why it is important, the barriers to self-love and I will then be sharing some expert tips for building self-love a foundation for happiness. So, whether you are a seasoned practitioner of self-love or looking to improve the relationship you have with yourself I hope you find this episode helpful and inspiring.Self- Love is a critical component of our psychological wellbeing and a key factor in our ability to live a happy and fulfilling life. It’s about embracing our unique qualities, acceptance of our flaws, forgiveness of our mistakes and holding ourselves in positive regards, holding value in ourselves, and acknowledging our worth. 10 ideas for improving your self love. 1.       Practice self care2.       Manage the self talk3.       Self reflect with journalling4.       Express gratitude5.       Spend time in nature6.       Treat yourself7.       Surround yourself with positive people8.       Learn something new9.       Set goals towards your dream10.   Engage in acts of kindness. Remember self-love and happiness are a journey, not a destination. It takes time to build a positive relationship with yourself, but with effort and dedication, you can find self-love and live a fulfilling life.  Don't forget to join the SELF-LOVE CHALLENGE Also, join us in The Happa Life Playgroup Facebook Group Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
Festive Anxiety
Dec 1 2022
Festive Anxiety
Welcome back to another episode of the happy life podcast, this week I want to talk about the feelings of anxiety, stress and overwhelm especially at this time of year. I have been working with clients this week and catching up with my peers in business and am already seeing the impact this is having on people’s wellbeing. The demands of everyday life, with the worries of all that is going on in the world on top of the demands and expectations of the season are a lot to bear. In this episode of the Happya Life I am going to be talking to you about festive anxiety, why it happens, what it looks like and how you can support yourself, so you don’t arrive at Christmas day feeling drained. So, for those times when the anxiety is becoming too much here are 3 ways in which you attempt to reduce its impact on you. The first is a breathing technique, yes I want you to breathe and you will be surprised at how bad we are at something we do all day everyday! So. Get comfortable. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe in through your nose for the count of 4, deeply enough that the hand on your stomach rises. Hold the breath for a count of 4, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for the count of 6 as though you are breathing through a straw. Do this practice for a few minutes and you should feel the symptoms reduce. An alternative is to use muscle relaxation. Take yourself through process of tensing and releasing your muscles throughout the body. This is a technique I use in hypnotherapy. Using this technique will enable you to recognise feelings of anxiety by noticing where in your body your muscles feel really tense. Understanding your body’s signals means you can respond to them earlier and mastering these techniques will enable you to release the tension that much quicker. A third technique is to Challenge the irrational thinkingThis is a technique used in therapy when you have a triggering thought you explore that thought against your rationale logic. Ask yourself is my thinking based on fact or feeling? How likely is it that my fear will happen? What is most likely to happen? If my fear did come true, how would I handle it? By using a rational thought process, it can assist in gaining perspective and a sense of control. Hopefully these will help you in managing those symptoms and enable you to find some release. Top tips1.   When these feelings arise – acknowledge them, understand what they are telling you so you can provide the reassurance you need. 2.   Increase your self-care at this time of year, we all need a little more love and attention. 3.   Decide what is important to you this festive season and establish your boundaries accordingly. 4.   Be prepared for situations where you are aware you may be triggered. 5.   Prioritise your schedule so you avoid overwhelm and burnout. 6.   Reach out for support, delegate, and importantly accept help! 7.   Give yourself permission to say NO! Don't forget there is still time to join the Treat your self Challenge Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
Enhance your Wellbeing
Nov 10 2022
Enhance your Wellbeing
It can be so difficult to get motivated and gain momentum especially when you feel like there is a mountain ahead of you or perhaps you can’t even see the mountain because you are surrounded by a fog. The past few years have been a huge energy drain for many of us. It has left a lot of us feeling sluggish and to be honest the near future looks like its going to continue to be challenging for many. It’s a time when we want to go into hiding to succumb to our fears and wait for the storm to pass. But this isn’t the time for inaction this is the time when we need take steps to look after our mental wellbeing. Never has it been more important. So here are five steps and they are all simple steps so no excuses for getting started, no need to challenge them just get started. Firstly, I want you to consider your commitment to your wellbeing and taking care of you. How do you want to think, feel, and show up for life? What investment are you prepared to make in supporting yourself – this doesn’t have to be financial it may mean committing as little as 10 minutes a day to taking action to improve your wellbeing. Tune into the episode to find out more...Finally, I want you to start a gratitude jar where each day you write down at least 3 things you are grateful for, put them in the jar and on days when things just seem hard, and you are finding yourself lost you can take out some of the papers and read what you have to be grateful for.  Find the FREE Gratitude Journal here along with other resources Purchase the Happya Life Journal 90 Days of Wellbeing Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
Who's Opinion Matters?
Nov 3 2022
Who's Opinion Matters?
Sometimes we invite people to offer their opinion on a decision we are making, other times people offer their unsolicited opinions either indirectly or directly. You are a free and independent person who is capable of determining how you want to live, of living a life that is best for you. Sometimes you will find people who will try and tell you how you should live, what you should do and we may not want to disappoint them but we need to stand strong. This is not their life. They have a different set of values, a different set of goals, a different view of the world. So this week instead of taking onboard the opinions and values of others I want you to think about how you feel about your life, how you want to live, what your instinct is telling you about what you want to do. Do you feel calm? Do you feel energised by what you are doing? Are you being kind? If you can answer yes to these questions, you can be assured that even if others have a different view, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are enjoying your life and being kind, you are on the right path. You may have spent a lifetime trying to please others, to live up to their standard but it never works, it doesn’t make you or them happy. It doesn’t allow you or them to grow. So, make a decision to live a life that makes you feel good. Even though others may have opinions – let them go. Love. Accept. Respect. Trust yourself in the decisions you are making and if at any point you make a wrong decision you learn from it and you forgive yourself. If you are looking for some support with your own wellbeing reach out, email me or dm me @happyacoach. For those of you who want to explore further your own values and beliefs, if you are feeling detached from your life and want to build greater clarity and assurance of who you are then take a look at my recently published workbook and journal on Amazon Reconnect to a Happya Life. If you check out you will find all the information. I will leave the links in the description for this episode. Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
Mind the Gap
Oct 27 2022
Mind the Gap
So what is it that holds us back? Simply making the commitment to make the change is not enough, wanting it is not enough. You have to truly believe that you can make it happen and on a surface level you may think you have this box ticked you may hold a believe that you can do this but what you wont be conscious of are those hidden beliefs you hold. The decluttering process allows you to unlock those beliefs you are holding onto of which you may or may not be aware of so you can get closer to what you truly want. Letting go of your self-limiting beliefs enables you to close the gap between what you believe you can or should do (watch out for the should)! And what you actually want to achieve. Closing the gap enables you to continue on your journey towards success without having to rely on willpower to enable you to leap over the gap. If you do attempt to override the system, the likelihood is you will fall through the gap.  So how do we close the gap? How can we do that decluttering process? Here are 3 steps you can take in the decluttering process; these steps will help close the gap in the path so you can continue your journey. These steps are an ongoing process you will constantly discover new beliefs you weren’t aware you have and as you grow and move forward to the next level you will find yourself needing to go through the stages again.  Step 1 Uncover what those limiting beliefs are – pull out the boxes and see what they containStep 2 Send the contents away make the conscious decision to let go of them.Step 3 Fill the boxes with the contents – the belief system that is going to support you in achieving your goals. Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
I should myself!
Oct 20 2022
I should myself!
In today’s episode I really want to explore something that I hear so often. It seems commonplace to get to a point in one’s life where we become a little bit lost and disconnected from who we are. I often ask clients ,whatever reason has brought them to come and see me, I ask them what they want. And for some this can be a huge barrier, one which sometimes we are not even be aware of and it can be quite uncomfortable to realise that, for some this will ignite the defence mechanism we have engineered whilst others may feel a little stuck and we have to work at uncovering what it is for them. Obviously, there are those that come to me for coaching and are looking for accountability towards achieving their goals and they often have more clarity over what they want but even so we usually uncover something where they’re not quite sure why they want it, and it turns out its more of a should statement. It’s inevitable really that overtime we become conditioned to our environment and the expectations of society and our local community. The people we surround ourselves by help shape our views but with each of the inputs coming into our world means we compromise our thoughts and even our emotions are no longer pure and we can loose sight of what is truly our own wants, needs, desires, and feelings. For those of you who are empaths you will be susceptible to taking on board other peoples feelings and emotions to a much greater depth than others. If you spend time with enthusiastic and energised people you will feel that too in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish the difference between what is their energy and what is your own. Which can certainly have its benefits but there’s also a consequence where you may take on feelings of stress and overwhelm that aren’t yours, you may feel angry and not sure why because it isn’t your anger to be felt it is someone else’s so its really important to be aware of what you take on board from others. So, on our life journey there are many twists and turns and we enter into different relationships and we may become parents or work in different environments and different cultures and experience different things, all that shapes the way we think and inevitably we find ourselves compromising to fit in, to be part of the community. Social media is obviously another really strong influence in our lives these days but before painting it as the devil we need to remember that we have always had these external influences whether it was television or gaming or radio, and newspapers. Any form of media will shape our views and not only is it important that we are aware of the source of this information and how that shapes the messages being given but we also need to be conscious of our own identity and our own beliefs. There is only so much information that can be held in the conscious part of our brains, so every piece of information needs to be assessed as to whether it gets taken on board and our brain very quickly files it! So, anything considered not of value is forgotten, anything not considered an immediate need is put into a store and the information is blended into what is already exists. Stop shoulding all over yourself! Forget what you should do. If it comes with a should then perhaps you shouldn’t! Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
Showing up for your mental health
Oct 13 2022
Showing up for your mental health
This week saw mental health hitting the headlines with World Mental Health Day the aim of the day is to try and normalise discussions about mental health and wellbeing and to remove the shame and stigma that exists. So, in recognition of World Mental Health day and those individuals who held a space of non judgement I wanted to explore the judgement around mental health today.The importance of mental health is something I champion. From my own experience I spent decades holding onto my emotions, hiding from them, squashing them down and building layer upon layer of personality traits to distort from the true version of myself. I employed defence mechanisms that I thought were keeping me safe but were really just keeping the damage on the inside until it had taken hold and would then result in me struggling to cope, retreating or displaying irrational behaviours which then added to those feelings of not being good enough. I was aware I needed help, but it was never my priority. I would set out with all good intentions especially around a new year / new me mantra, but nothing really changed because I wasn’t committed to the action I needed to take. I wasn’t willing to do the hard work. Whilst I continued to hide I thought I was safe, that if I hid from the reality then somehow it just wouldn’t be true. I thought I was being strong for holding on. I thought that if I let go everything would just crumble and I wouldn’t be able to get back again. The reality of course is that by letting go the things that were not supporting me, the things that were doing the damage were released and sent away and the true me, all my positive traits, my strength, my true character were able to breathe, they were able to grow. If we truly want to change how people perceive mental health and investment in our psychological wellbeing, we all have a responsibility to change our perceptions and what it means to be undertaking the work to exercise our minds. We need to replace those feelings of not being good enough, feelings of shame and vulnerability with feelings of pride, empowerment, of drive and motivation, to be happier, to be bold and brave and strong. So, if you feel brave enough and safe enough perhaps you can take a moment to hit your social media with a post that says how important it is to work on your own wellbeing and share how you look after your own mental health. What do you do in terms of your own self-care? If you tag me into your post and send me a dm and I will happily send you a something free that will support you on your journey. There isn’t a top athlete that doesn’t have a psychologist that they work with continuously. Without undertaking that work, without investing their time and money into their mental health they would not be able to reach their physical goals. Attitude, mindset, and mental wellbeing are a fundamental part of the mind body system, if either are not fully fit it is impossible to reach that no.1 position. Working on your mental health isn’t only useful when you are in a state of stress, when you have hit a block or are in crisis, it enables us to improve our wellbeing so we can live happier more fulfilling lives, it enables us to grow and to reach our potential. If you are looking for some support with your own mental health reach out, email me or dm me @happyacoach check out my website to find free Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio
The Road to Happya
Sep 29 2022
The Road to Happya
In this episode I am going to give you an overview of the podcast and what you can expect as well as some insight into my personal journey and what has inspired me towards living a happya life. So, whether you fear judgement or rejection. Are feeling alone and just want to feel heard. If you want to believe you are worth more, you want to find a balance between your needs and those of others, to find balance between work and living. If you want to find time to care for yourself. To gain clarity and focus to set out and achieve your goals. To set the right boundaries to protect yourself and prioritise your needs and wants so you are not always compromising for others.  If you want to change your mindset to acknowledge the positives in your life and let go of the negativity from the past that is holding you back. If you want to truly connect with yourself, your passions and gain a sense of meaning and purpose then let this podcast and the happya resources guide you to living your best life. Don’t let the overwhelm and anxiety take over, release yourself from things that do not support you in the life you want for yourself. So, who am I and what makes me qualified to do all that? I am a positive psychology coach and therapist an entrepreneur and the proud owner of Happya.  In recovering from trauma and playing small, conforming to others’ expectations I set out on a journey to change my life and I have never looked back. The journey wasn’t easy, but it’s one that led me to living authentically, with a passion for what I do. Feeling more energised, confident, and aligned to my life. I honour my emotions and feel empowered to keep taking bold action and continue my journey towards success.  I hope it is one which will inspire you to embrace your superpowers and fuel your desire and take Email me at: DM @happyacoachMusic by LemonMusicStudio