Writing Into Connection

Connect More

Aug 1 2023 • 29 mins

In this episode, I talk about:

*the 4 Big Reasons why I see writing as a fundamentally connective force, and why I believe *everyone* can access these sources of connectivity through writing, no matter your background

*why I used to be SUPER suspicious of the term "manifestation" and how I've made my peace with it (through writing!)

*the online writing workshops I'm teaching this fall, and why I hope you sign up for one! also, a reminder that August is a big enrollment month for me: if you're looking to do connection or writing coaching with me 1:1, now is a great time to sign up for a chat and get on my radar.

Find my phenomenal women's spirituality and witchcraft teacher here.

For coaching resources, check me out on Instagram and get details here.

To work with me one-on-one, book a free consultation call.

To take a writing workshop with me, peruse the options here. Registration is open!

To read my publications, visit me here.