The Personal Stake in Anti-Racism You Only Get One Shot At

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Aug 8 2023 • 18 mins

In this episode, I talk about:

*my upcoming writing workshops: that's the first 5 mins or so, so if you follow me elsewhere and have already heard about this, feel free to skip over! (Registration ends on August 15, so make sure to register if you haven't already--because these workshops will be AWESOME.)

*why I am *adamant* about steering clear of mom-guilt when I talk about experiences we owe our kids during childhood...

*...and how to balance that with the fact that I DO believe there are childhood experiences that can shape our kids' emotional investment in issues like anti-racism for the rest of their lives.

*what are these experiences? how do they shape us? why is childhood such a critical time for them? I dive into all these questions and more, here.

For coaching resources, check me out on Instagram and get details here.

To work with me one-on-one, book a free consultation call.

To take a writing workshop with me, peruse the options here. Registration is open!

To read my publications, visit me here.