E19. Jason Rigby: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Finding Faith: Sharing Stories of Encounter and Questions

Dec 10 2020 • 35 mins

Jason Rigsby is a convert to the Catholic faith and married to Laura Rigby (also interviewed on the podcast). After two divorces and a failed attempt to gain an annulment, Jason wasn't sure he would be able to continue practicing his newly found Catholic faith.

But after meeting Laura, he knew he had finally met the woman he would share the rest of his life with.  Jason tells us about the journey of his faith coming alive in the Catholic Church along with the struggles that came with obtaining certificates of invalidity (annulments) for his previous two marriages.  It was through the help of a licensed professional counselor that Jason was able to take a good look at his past and see where his woundedness had worked against him, as well as tools to help him in his future.


If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: findingfaith123@gmail.com.