Ep. 14 - Killer Frequency

No Small Games

Oct 26 2023 • 1 hr 15 mins

You're live on 189.16 - The Scream with Forrest Nash... and someone in town is hunting your listeners! The year is 1987 and Forrest Nash is clocking into his late-night radio slot in a sleepy town in middle America, not knowing what thrills and chills await him and his producer, Peggy. In Killer Frequency, you must use your role as radio DJ to take calls from your frightened callers who are fleeing a masked killer— the Whistling Man, and to hopefully help them escape! Luckily, the radio station is chock full of clues and helpful information that will enable you to solve the puzzles to each of their salvation, so long as you can find them. Join Kate and Emily for episode 14 of No Small Games, in which Kate and Emily review their experiences playing themystery horror puzzle game, Killer Frequency. The two compare notes on the puzzles they solved, discuss their favorite radio station callers in the game, and share about their own real life experiences working for local radio! Episode Timecodes

  • Weekly Boss Battles ✦ 00:13:12
  • Killer Frequency Game Discussion ✦ 00:19:26
  • Game Ratings ✦ 01:06:20
  • Next Episode's Game Announcement ✦ 01:10:55
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Kate's Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/katerblossom Emily's Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/aSpecificEgg No Small Games Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/NoSmallGames No Small Games Instagram ✦ https://www.instagram.com/nosmallgames Want to learn more and weigh in on what games we should play in future episodes? Check us out and leave a game suggestion at nosmallgames.com