Week 13 - end of Numbers - Boxset Binge the Bible

Severn Vineyard's All You Can Eat Buffet

Mar 29 2024 • 29 mins

Bern Leckie and Owen Lynch share thoughts and feelings about the end of the book of Numbers, chapters 17 to 36.

What’s so important about giving glory to God, or credit where it’s due to anyone? Bern shares his experiences of the difference that people sharing credit for their sources makes to workplaces. It took him a long time to make the connection that this might be a value received from God, but it now seems crucial to him for being able to remain healthy, responsive and able to grow into doing new things instead of becoming unhealthy, defensive and stuck in old ways.

Owen shares his highlights from Numbers of a talking donkey and its part in a story about God’s unconditional provision, protection and presence. Even when God seems distant or cannot be seen directly, can we be encouraged by the stories that God has worked in amazing ways with all kinds of people to bless and protect?

The next part of our boxset will look at the whole of Mark’s gospel. Listen along at your own pace at severnvineyard.org/bible.