Intro - What's good about bingeing the Bible, and how are we doing it? - Boxset Binge the Bible

Severn Vineyard's All You Can Eat Buffet

Dec 28 2023 • 15 mins

The Bible is an amazing collection of literature which some say can help us hear God. It has a big story, told through lots of smaller stories. It's full of engaging characters who are each part of something much bigger than themselves.

In this podcast, Bern Leckie and Owen Lynch discuss how listening through the whole Bible, and noticing how it makes us think, feel and move, can connect us with something bigger than ourselves too, and included in the epic work that God has been doing through history.

Top tips for getting through the Bible in a year include listening to a good version - we recommend the NIV UK audio Bible narrated by David Suchet, available in many Bible apps and linked from our website,, where you can also find and follow the whole boxset binge plan for the year.