All things are possible with Jesus (TV Audio #476)

Bible Study with David Hathaway (TV Audio Podcast)

Feb 28 2024 • 28 mins

All things are possible with Jesus: I began working in the Soviet Union in 1961. For thirty of these years, I worked under communism. In 1990 I was evangelising in Bulgaria; when I was invited to speak in a large church in Sofia, the pastor fled town, he was so afraid of what the communists might do to him afterwards! The next day, I was invited to speak in a church on the far side of Bulgaria, in Yambol. The building was packed out, and the Power of God was so strong, the young people under the Power of the Holy Spirit were speaking in pure English! Sensing the move of God, I got the idea to take a stadium to evangelise openly. The local pastors warned me it was impossible, nevertheless they went with me to ask for permission. Predictably the communist director of the stadium said, “It’s against our law to rent you the stadium.” But then he added, “There is nothing in our law to stop us giving it to you for free!”

I shall never forget the dramatic and exciting evangelism we held in Yambol, Bulgaria, before communism finally fell there. It was August. The music group Vinesong and I arrived the day before the opening. What could we do? Nothing? No!!! So, without permission, we decided to hold an open-air service in the big square in front of the Communist Party Headquarters in Yambol! This city of 100,000 had never witnessed such scenes before! As darkness fell the beautiful worship music drew the crowds. But when Vinesong sang in Bulgarian, ‘I bow the knee to Jesus’ – the whole crowd, 10,000 strong, knelt in prayer with their hands raised in worship and acceptance of Christ! Even the communist police on duty took off their hats, and the Communist Party Flag, which until then had been fluttering bravely in the breeze, hung down limp as if it too was bowing before the Name of Jesus!