Indie Authors Discussion and more

Tim, Lorie Simpson and Elijah Simpson

My wife and I are indie authors, and we will discuss how to publish your works so that you retain all of your creative rights and royalties. We are also publishers and can help publish your work in print and audiobook formats. But more importantly, we have fun on our show; we, along with our son, will write and act in original plays, some comedy, horror, and drama. Also, we will give one lucky listener a free audiobook on each episode. It's a code for audible and will be announced at the show's end. New episodes will air each week on Sunday evenings at 8 p.m. read less


little shop of horrors 1960
Mar 29 2024
little shop of horrors 1960
Florist shop owner Gravis Mushnick has two employees, Audrey Fulquard and Seymour Krelboined. Located on skid row, Mushnick's rundown shop gets little business. When Seymour fouls up a floral arrangement for dentist Dr. Farb, Mushnick fires him. Hoping to change his mind, Seymour talks about a plant he has grown from seeds he got from a "Japanese gardener over on Central Avenue."[20] Seymour named the plant "Audrey Jr.", which delights Audrey. However, when finally shown the plant, Mushnick is unimpressed. Seymour suggests that Audrey Jr.'s uniqueness might attract people to see it, and Mushnick gives him one week to revive the plant. The usual plant food does not nourish it, but when Seymour accidentally pricks his finger, he discovers that the plant craves blood. Fed on Seymour's blood, Audrey Jr. begins to grow. The shop's revenues increase when customers are lured in to see the plant. Mushnick tells Seymour to refer to him as "Dad" and calls Seymour his son in front of a customer. The plant develops the ability to speak and demands that Seymour feed it. Now anemic, Seymour walks along the railroad track. Throwing a rock to vent his frustration, he inadvertently knocks out a drunken man who falls on the track and is run over by a train. He tries to get rid of the body by burying it in a yard but is nearly caught each time. Guilt-ridden, Seymour decides to feed the mutilated body parts to Audrey Jr. Meanwhile, Mushnick returns to the shop to get cash and secretly observes Seymour feeding the plant. Mushnick considers telling the police but hesitates after seeing the line of customers at his shop the next day.
Killers From Space 1954
Mar 15 2024
Killers From Space 1954
Dr. Douglas Martin is a scientist working on atomic bomb tests. While collecting aerial data on an Air Force atomic blast at Soledad Flats, his plane crashes. He survives the crash unhurt, walking back to the air base with no memory of what happened, except for a strange scar on his chest.At the base hospital, he acts so strangely that the authorities bring in the FBI, thinking he may be an impostor. He is cleared, but told to take some time off. He protests at being excluded from his project.An atomic test is set off without his knowledge, so Martin steals the data, then goes back to Soledad Flats and puts the papers under a stone. The FBI agent has followed him, but he escapes until he crashes his car. Back at the hospital, he is given truth serum. He tells a story about being captured by space aliens from Astron Delta and held in their underground base. (The aliens have big eyes like ping-pong balls.)The aliens plan to exterminate all humans with giant insects and reptiles, grown with radiation absorbed from the bomb tests. Martin intuits that the aliens use stolen electric power to control their powerful apparatus, and they need the bomb data to predict the energy to be released and balanced. The aliens had blanked his memory and hypnotized him into getting the data for them.The FBI agent and the base commander are skeptical of such an incredible story, and keep him confined at the hospital.With some calculations on a slide rule, Dr. Martin determines that if he shuts off the power to Soledad Flats for just ten seconds, it will create an overload in the aliens' equipment. So he escapes the hospital and goes to the nearby electrical power plant, where he forces a technician to turn off the power. The alien base is destroyed in a massive explosion, saving the Earth from conquest.
A life Worth Living: A true journey of faith AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF TIM SIMPSON
Mar 5 2024
A life Worth Living: A true journey of faith AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF TIM SIMPSON
a FREE PREVIEW! I am not famous. I will never be rich. I will most likely only stand and speak after thousands of people. But I have a story to tell. This is an adventure. Once you begin reading this, you will see how God took an ordinary man from a little hollow in Johnson City, TN, through many different trials, ranging from thoughts of suicide, drinking, and going from one bad marriage to another. During all this, the Lord was directing me (most of the time without me realizing it). In doing so, He directed me to a small church where I began as an usher. He led me to a massive church in Richmond, Michigan, where I ended up in the middle of the original Mormon Church. You will see how the Lord began to reveal truths I could have never known on my own and how He used me as a vessel to open the eyes of those around me. I went from being called into meetings with church elders to having men and women of the church rise against me, demanding that I be silenced. One of my favorite quotes is, "Adversity introduces a man to himself." - Albert Einstein. Trust me, I believe it. I was ordained after only a year and began preaching in many Michigan churches. Along the way, I made many friends and enemies and encountered demon-possessed people, all the while preaching only the truth from the word of God. This book is ten years in the making. It is my life of heartaches and pain, love and joy. I wrote it not for money but to assure the reader that no matter what your walk of life is, God is still God and is not a respecter of persons. However, he has a perfect purpose and plan for your life. Take your eyes off your circumstances and look upon Jesus. I have had to remind myself of this many times. My life is now better than it has ever been. It is truly a life worth living.
Mar 5 2024
"It all comes down to Who is Perh Cushing, the mystery man who controls all the crime worldwide. Well, the search is on. He owns New York, Chicago, Detroit, and others. He funds Terrorist organizations, Finances every illegal origination known, and gives to charities. That's right, he is also a very charitable man, but who is? Well, that's what everyone wants to know. Following the noir series of books beginning with Detroit Noir 1-3 and moving through 1954 Noir, Chicago Noir, New York pulp, and finally Noir Complete. If you don't enjoy suspense, danger, murder, espionage, romance, and action-adventure, this book is not for you! This is it! The end has come, or has it? My most significant challenge in writing is not writing itself but ending anything. I love stories that continue on and on. I love watching how characters grow and change from their experiences. I get to know my characters so well that they become a part of my family, so when one dies, it is as much of a shock to me as anyone. However, this is not the end, per se. It is the beginning of a new era. The series itself took on a life all its own. What began as a straightforward crime story expanded into a global epic—starting in Detroit and crossing the globe. Then he made his presence known, Perh Cushing, the mastermind behind the crime wave. And with his company came others until the little story became a big one that has brought you here, dear reader. Between these pages, you will see the conclusion promised at the end of the other books. You will find closure in Chicago Noir and answer, "Did Marla die?" In Chicago Noir book 2, find out what happened with Sgt. Kind, his brave unit in 1954 noir, and the new war against Hitler. Also, New York Pulp, what happened after the building fell, "who lived and who Perished, and what of Manny Van Johnson, Jack Manson, and Brandon Addington? Where do they fit into the grand scheme of things? Well, wonder no longer here is where you will find the closure you seek. Right here in the book you now hold or the book you are currently listening to. So grab some popcorn, drink, kick back, relax, and enjoy the Noir; complete! "Out of the shadows."