Reframing Me

Dr. Jennifer Brubaker

So many prepare us for the transition to motherhood, but no one prepares us for how hard the transition out is, and once our kids become teens, it also can feel very solitary. The issues we face with teens are often ones we need to talk about, yet feel we can't or shouldn't. Together, we can create a community of women who, faced with growing children and changing families, are relearning how to mom, and relearning who they are as women. Grounded in family communication theory, join Dr. Jennifer Brubaker to have those conversations to help you better understand this new chapter of your life. Episodes focus on both family communication with our teens and reflection and self discovery. Dr. Brubaker has her Ph.D in Communication Studies and is an Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where she has taught for 17 years. Prior to UNCW, she taught at The Ohio State University, Kent State University and the University of Toledo. Originally from Ohio, Jen lives in Wilmington, NC, with her husband, three children, three dogs, cat and a menagerie of small animals. She loves spending time with her family, traveling and all things fitness, sports and wellness. Reach out with your questions, issues or experiences to begin the conversation. Or reach out to say hi and let me know you’re listening :) Join the Reframing Me: The Podcast Community Facebook group to connect with others who are looking to relearn how to parent, now that their kids are teens, and rediscover who they are as women, beyond the framework of motherhood. Send emails to; or on socials: Reframing Me on FacebookAND join the Facebook group Reframing Me: The Podcast Community; @reframingme on Instagram; Reframing Me on YouTube @reframingme on TikTok

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Kids & FamilyKids & Family


Decisions, Decisions: Using Theory to Help Teens Make Rational Decisions
Apr 27 2024
Decisions, Decisions: Using Theory to Help Teens Make Rational Decisions
Thank you for being here - for listening and being a part of this community! Our teens are faced with decisions every day, and because our families are a social system, we all feel the weight of these decisions. It's three days before college decisions are due, and my son still hasn't made one. This inspired me to create a fun, theoretically-based decision-making activity for him (and you and your teens!). Join In this insightful discussion, where the focus is on decision-making and how the Theory of Reasoned Action can guide individuals, especially teens, in making informed choices. The theory explores the relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral intentions when faced with decisions. By understanding how our beliefs and social influences shape our behaviors, individuals can better navigate important decisions like choosing a college. The discussion also touches on practical examples, such as underage drinking, academic performance, and the impact of attitudes and subjective norms on behavior. Through a structured approach that considers internal preferences and external influences, individuals can weigh options, assess social pressures, and align decisions with personal values. The theory offers a systematic framework for decision-making, allowing for a thoughtful evaluation of choices and informed decision-making processes.Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
The Finish Line: Revisiting the End of Youth Sports and Ambiguous Loss
Apr 19 2024
The Finish Line: Revisiting the End of Youth Sports and Ambiguous Loss
Well, well, well - here we are again. The end of another sports season, and for many seniors - and senior parents - this is the finish line. For us, my senior wraps ups his fourth track season, and it's hitting me harder than I expected. Join me as we revisit the end of sports grief for parents, the end of sports loss and confusion for our athletes, and ambiguous loss.When your kids are involved in an activity that becomes consuming of your time, energy, and money, and when we find ourselves on the sideline or in the stands or seats watching day after day, week after week, year after year, there comes a point when it all ends. For many, senior year is that end. But for some, it happens sooner, whether they don’t make the team or grow out of love with the sport or activity and just decide they are done – but wait! You might say – but what if I’m not done? It’s the end of a chapter. There is a loss – a sense of grief – it’s the loss of an activity – of a group of people you’ve grown to feel a community with – the loss of something that you share with your child.It's ok to feel sad. It’s ok for us to look back and reflect. It just won’t be the same. And it’s ok to mourn that end – mourn the loss. We may feel an ambiguous loss. At its core, ambiguous loss is about a lack of resolution. The loss of what could have or should have been. The loss of someone or something as it was. Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
Putting Age in Context: 9 Keys for Staying Ageless, Contextual Age and my Birthday!
Apr 9 2024
Putting Age in Context: 9 Keys for Staying Ageless, Contextual Age and my Birthday!
Join me on my birthday for a conversation about contextual age and its profound implications on our sense of self and well-being. Delving beyond mere chronological age, we explore how factors such as biological age, social roles, perceived age, and subjective age shape our identity and outlook on life.Let's challenge conventional notions of aging and embrace an ageless mindset. By redefining our relationship with age, we can cultivate a sense of timelessness and vitality at any stage of life.We'll discuss nine keys to staying ageless, including: what you put in your body, what you do with your body and what you put on your body; staying open to new ideas; challenging your brain and yourself; continuing to set goals and manifest success; doing things that make you happy; reducing stress and anxiety; building and fostering quality social relationships; and communicate.Discover the power of contextual age in shaping our identity, relationships, and overall quality of life. Let's embark on a transformative exploration of agelessness and unlock the secrets to a vibrant and fulfilling existence, irrespective of the passing years.Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
Hike your own Hike: Equifinality and Family Communication
Apr 6 2024
Hike your own Hike: Equifinality and Family Communication
Hike your own hike. Can you embrace equifinality in your Family and accept that there is no one right way?Are you navigating the twists and turns of family life? These turns and decisions come from families of every background and upbringing, illustrating that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting or growing up.Equifinality in family communication is the idea that different families, with their unique dynamics and challenges, can all achieve positive outcomes in their own ways. Whether your family prioritizes sit-down dinners or adapts to busy schedules with different routines, what works for one may not work for another—and that's perfectly okay.The journey to a successful family dynamic isn't linear. It's shaped by the diverse experiences and walks of life that each family member brings to the table. Equifinality teaches us to appreciate this diversity and to recognize that there's no secret formula to perfect parenting or family life. The real "secret" is understanding that there are many paths to a happy, functional family, each tailored to individual circumstances and needs.As your family evolves through life's predictable and unpredictable stressors, remember that equifinality in family communication allows for various coping strategies and conflict resolutions. What's essential is finding what fits your family's pattern and personality, not what a list or an article dictates as the "right" way. It's about hiking your own hike and embracing the journey, knowing that the end goal isn't determined by a prescribed path.So, let's have a conversation about equifinality and its nuances, how it impacts family life and communication, and how it can inform family therapy practices. By understanding and applying the principle of equifinality, we can alleviate stress and create a family life that feels authentic and fulfilling for everyone involved.Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
Oldest Daughter Syndrome
Mar 19 2024
Oldest Daughter Syndrome
This is all so hard. So very exhausting. I hope that you are taking time for you because you can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your family starts with taking care of yourself. Once you make it through my spiral with me, we'll have a conversation on one of the many roles that some of us play and the consequences of that role - i.e., Oldest Daughter Syndrome. A defining characteristic of oldest daughter syndrome is a marked independence and self-reliance. These traits, while admirable, can sometimes hinder asking for help or showing vulnerability. Despite appearing composed and competent, oldest daughters often deal with internal struggles.Gendered expectations can amplify these traits in daughters compared to sons. While oldest child traits are common, they often manifest more intensely in daughters due to societal and familial expectations.Addressing Oldest Daughter Syndrome isn’t straightforward. It's suggested that breaking generational patterns might help future generations learn to set better boundaries. For now, recognizing and empathizing with these challenges, and finding humor and solidarity in shared experiences, is a way to cope.This deep dive into Oldest Daughter Syndrome highlights its complexity, stemming from a blend of familial, societal, and individual factors. Understanding this can lead to better support for eldest daughters who juggle multiple roles and expectations.Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
Cultivating Confidence in Ourselves and Our Teens
Mar 10 2024
Cultivating Confidence in Ourselves and Our Teens
Confidence is more than just a feeling; it's a fundamental belief in oneself and one's abilities. This belief in personal abilities, knowledge, and strength is not simply an outcome of success or external validation, but rather a driving force behind it. The realization that confidence is a predictor, not a consequence, of success, can be a game-changer. We want to cultivate confidence in ourselves and in our teenagers, so today we have a conversation about four pillars to confidence and small ways that you can strengthen each. Confident individuals don't just wait for success to build their self-esteem; they use their self-trust to create opportunities and navigate challenges. This mindset shift allows people to see confidence as an internal resource that can be nurtured and strengthened through personal habits, positive self-talk, and a proactive approach to life.Confidence plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, enhancing performance, decision-making, and leadership abilities. It encourages openness to new experiences and resilience in the face of challenges. Confident people, characterized by their trust in their judgment and abilities, are more likely to engage in dynamic social interactions, communicate assertively, and establish healthier relationships. They view setbacks as growth opportunities and handle stress and anxiety more effectively, contributing to overall well-being and satisfaction in life. Recognizing confidence as an internal strength that can be developed, rather than an outcome of external factors, empowers individuals to cultivate it actively, thereby enhancing their personal and professional lives. Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!
Jen is Zen - Hindsight Has Prepared You For This
Mar 4 2024
Jen is Zen - Hindsight Has Prepared You For This
Hindsight will teach you everything you need to get through this. It’s often the one thing that you are avoiding - or the one obstacle that you feel like you are up against – the one challenge that life has thrown at you that you are certain you will never get through – it’s often that one thing that is all that is standing between you and everything that you want – between you and your goal – between you and happiness – between you and peace. Self discovery is a paradox because on one hand we want to discover who we are at our core - beneath the frames we've put around ourselves and the lenses that we see ourselves through. But on the other hand, those lenses and frames – they’re who we are now. They’re the baggage that we’re carrying. They’re the narratives that we have created. The things that prevent us from doing what our authentic self wants or needs us to do. But self discovery not only forces us to recognize who are authentic self is and what she wants, and it also makes us realize that we owe it to her to do it. But it can be scary and challenging. Hindsight will teach us everything we need to get through this.Thank you for listening and being part of this community! Let's get social. Follow me on Facebook, on Twitter @reframing_me, on Instagram @reframingme and on TikTok @reframingmeI hope you enjoyed the episode! Please leave a review, catch up on any missed episodes, and be sure to follow the show, so you don't miss new content!