God Speaks Through Dreams and Visions

Changing Your World Podcast with Creflo Dollar

Dec 25 2023 • 38 mins

If there was ever a time we needed to hear from God, it is right now. One Word from Him changes everything; this is why, as Christians, we need to be in a position to hear Him. Dreams are a powerful way God communicates with us and gives us directions; they were a frequent occurrence in the Old Testament, and He has every intention of continuing these types of interactions with us today. One of the ways God gives us insights and revelations is while we are sleeping. Our success, our prosperity, our deliverance, and many other things concerning His will for our lives are invested in hearing from Him. We can act either on good ideas or on God’s ideas; when we let Him lead us, we will succeed and prosper like never before. When we realize that our dreams are not just random thoughts we have while we sleep, but are actually one of the ways God talks to us, we can begin experiencing supernatural results.

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