Gospel focused International Pregnancy Center; Beautiful Feet International

Invested with Purpose

Nov 21 2023 • 28 mins

Episode 2 with Melissa Heiland of Beautiful Feet International

Beautiful Feet has established over 90 pregnancy centers in 26 countries throughout the world.

Melissa has been serving in pro-life ministry since 1995. She has served as founder, executive director, client services director, board member and volunteer at centers around the world. She regularly takes teams to these centers for training and ministry. These centers are staffed by trained national volunteers.

BFI has led teams to the Americas, Europe, Caribbean, Asia and Africa. People of all ages and all walks of life have joined with BFI to fulfill the Great Commission. The trips have focused on VBS, medical clinics, drama, youth ministry, hut-to-hut evangelism, and English teaching. BFI is trained to conduct eye clinics in developing countries. By bringing the gospel through pregnancy center ministries BFI has greatly impacted communities for Christ.

We encourage you to listen to Melissa's powerful testimony of what God is doing globally through pregnancy centers and a gospel centered plan of care for not only the women, but the entire family unit. To learn more about BFI visit :


Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/invested-with-purpose/id1712544256

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Amazon music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/c117aae7-e3db-4185-930d-5df67e630eb4/invested-with-purpose

Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/invested-with-purpose/PC:1001080436

Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/show/1000363191



