Trailer - Bite Size Seminary

Bite Size Seminary

Sep 21 2021 • 1 min

Welcome to Bite Size Seminary, a podcast where we discuss issues in biblical studies, theology, ministry engagement, and following Jesus.

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Bible but didn’t have the time or money for a theological education? The Bite Size Seminary podcast seeks to bring home the seminary experience in an exciting and short form package (or is that bite size?). With new episodes every other week, we’ll dive into the biblical text, discuss resources, book reviews, and interviews.

I’m JC Schroeder. I’m an instructor at The Ezekiel Project School of Evangelism and a ThM student at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. I’m excited to share some of the things I have learned along the way as well as some things I’m still learning. I hope that we can encourage each other to live and read Scripture more faithfully.

If you want to be challenged by new ideas and encouraged by old ones, then check out and follow the Bite Size Seminary podcast.

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