Desert Island Jams #6 - Nicole Zuckerman

Desert Island Jams

Nov 20 2020 • 1 hr 17 mins

My guest this episode is Nicole Zuckerman, a DJ, dancer and software developer living in NYC.

Nicole's first love was tap but lindy stole their heart in 2005.

They have DJed at ILHC, Lindy Focus, Herrang and more. They have taught at LindyFest, Sweet Swingouts and more. They have competed and won lindy hop, balboa and solo jazz competitions across the US.

Nicoles loves social dancing and acting like a goof, sharing the feelings that music gives them.
As well as music and dance, they are deeply passionate about social justice, puppies and gardening and a voracious reader of fantasy and sci-fi.

Nicole isn't mad on social media but you can try tweeting them on @zuckerpunch
They welcome one-on-one chats- so if you'd like that check out their website to get in touch:

You can find the listen along Spotify playlist HERE
You can find the listen along YouTube playlist HERE

The music license is sponsored by
The artwork is by @sazmy_design
You can find DIJ on instagram HERE
Jonathon Stout is the magic fingered man behind the original music for our theme song.

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