But What about the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

Paradox Redlands Podcast

Sep 5 2023 • 37 mins

David and Becky Crees asked Pastor Craig the following question, “Growing up in the church, one of the foundations of our belief is when Jesus says, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ “As Christians, this is encouraging and belief affirming. But what about those tho never heard the name of Jesus Christ?” “How can we reconcile God’s unconditional love with conditional salvation?” This leads into a discussion about big rational thoughts about God, Jesus Christ's relationship will ALL religions, the Four Gospels, John 13-17, and John 14:6 specifically. Paradox Church was founded in 2016 in Redlands, CA. We are currently in a three-year series through the Liturgical Calendar and the Lectionary that will end in 2025. We are affirming for all LGBTQIA persons, we celebrate and empower women, and we prioritize the sacred work of anti-racism. If you'd like to know more about our church, please visit our website at www.paradoxredlands.com