La Düsseldorf, Viva

Carla and Brad Talk About Krautrock

Oct 7 2022 • 1 hr 29 mins

With Neu! in the rear-view mirror, Klaus Dinger stepped into his white overalls and reached for fame and fortune with his second act, La Düsseldorf.

And boy oh boy did he find it.

Today we talk about LD's second LP, Viva.  Notable for its space-age guitars, synth washes, and of course "Dingerbeat," Viva serves up a shimmering blend of glam, punk, and electronica.  And that's not to mention the lyrics -- Klaus sings of life, love, the world, money, the birds, money again, and glorious revolution.

Is it corny?  Cheesy?  Maybe, but so are nachos, and they're DELICIOUS.

The future is calling.  We're picking up on the first ring.