Michael Rother + Friends Play Neu! in London (**LIVE REVIEW**)

Carla and Brad Talk About Krautrock

Dec 7 2022 • 33 mins

Today we depart from our usual programming to post a LIVE SHOW ALERT.

Turns out Brad sneaked off to London last month to catch surviving member of Neu! Michael Rother's live performance at the Clapham Grand!  Joining Michael on stage were Hans Lampe (of La Düsseldorf, on drums), Franz Bargmann (of Camera, on guitar) and electronic composer and recent Rother collaborator Vittoria Maccabruni.

Special guests included Hot Chip, known Krautrock exponent Stephen Morris, of Joy Division and New Order, *and* Paul Weller.

Join us for a deep dive on the show.  Tangents and digressions of course abound -- we are who we are -- but this episode's lodestar and our guiding light is Herr Rother: cracking musician, King of Krautrock, and lovely human being.

Here's to you, Michael.  Get well soon!