18 - Magical Mayhem

Forces of Fantasy

Oct 5 2023 • 1 hr 25 mins

"Pssst! Hey, you. Yeah, you there. Always wanted to be a wizard? Just touch my puss... eh, this golden cat statue. Watch your step though, don't break that urn..."

Yes, the above can very well have been an actual conversation in 2nd edition Warhammer Fantasy - scroll to the very end of the episode if you want to find out how that works. Speaking of how things work, in this episode we'll discuss the ins and outs of the magic system. So get your pointy hats on, take out your wand and let's get casting! As mentioned on the show, here's the leaked Pegasus pictures: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bretonnian/comments/170ctbu/i_had_planned_to_keep_this_one_under_wraps_but/?share_id=eXPvf1LJ_N-7YYL2FW3Wf&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

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