14 How to visualize living in a state of unity


Jun 23 2023 • 31 mins

When we embark on a spiritual path, our growth and expansion propels us toward new experiences and higher states of consciousness and unity. This is an abundant snowball that turns out smiley faces…

One essential aspect of our creative process is visualization. Because if we can’t envision the state of unity we want to grow into, it will be hard to ever get there. We need to see the prototype provided by someone who’s gone before us…People are typically very good emulators. We look around at others, especially those with attitudes and behavior patterns we identify with—which can be either positive or negative—and it’s like their way of being is contagious…They become our prototype for the new state we grow into…

We meet just the right figure who sparks a recognition in our minds and we follow their true example…It’s only when we emulate negative attitudes by identifying with negative role models that we head down a road to self-betrayal…Negative identification is what leads to the development of “images". This term “images” refers to the generalizations and wrong conclusions we make as children. When such a belief is in place, we have a limited vision of life and aren’t able to correctly see all our available options…Positive identification, on the other hand, leads to is visualization…

What this means is that we all need to find a positive model we can identify with…When we’re filled with inner blocks and foggy awareness, these distortions inside ourselves will color our ability to spot true exemplary figures…We can only see goodness when we’re relatively open and free ourselves. Then something clicks…It’s not that we will imitate something foreign to our nature. Rather, basic universal traits will express themselves through us…

First, let’s look at how our inner and outer life interrelate. Some claim only the inner life matters. But they overlook a simple fact: that isn’t how it works…Schools of thought then that teach asceticism contribute to creating a dichotomy between two things that in fact are one. So denying the outer life is not a path to enriching our inner spiritual life…

Such a distorted reaction often comes about in response to the equally distorted opposite extreme, which posits that basically, ‘it’s better to look good than to feel good.’ Such an approach negates the importance of the inner reality, possibly even denying that it exists…Both of these counter-currents are in distortion; each attempts to eliminate the other but fails to look in the mirror…

When all is said and done, true inner growth must show up in our world…Once we tap our divine source, we will make use of our own creative powers and no longer feel like a pawn on the chessboard of life…What a sense of peace to realize our life is our own creation. This perspective is quite the door opener that escorts us out of the two-dimensional existence of either-or…

Right now, every single day, we must die—we must survive a million little ego deaths to find eternal life. Then we will be ready to live fearlessly. How do we do this? We let go. We surrender…That’s how we transcend death and intuitively experience that, son of a gun, life keeps on going…

When we temporarily let go of the little self, we find the larger self waking up, and then the two come together and unify…In the end, after all that death, we realize that the little self of the ego never even really dies—it unites with the greater self. Nothing is given up…

Creating abundance from fear is not living in reality. This is a house of cards that will need to be crushed so we can dissolve our illusion of poverty. Then real richness can grow in the plentiful soil of unity…There is great cause for rejoicing over the ongoing creative process that is alive within each one of us. We only need to visualize it as reality and then set to work at clearing anything and everything in our way.

Listen and learn more.

Gems, Chapter 14: How to Visualize Living in a State of Unity

Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #210 Visualization Process for Growing Into the Unitive State