#186 Wondering Who God Is?

Live with Purpose Podcast

Jul 27 2020 • 10 mins

Hey there, Nora here. Welcome back to Live with Purpose Podcast and if you are new around here, stick around because you will learn not just how take care of your body, but also your mind, heart and spirit.

I believe I mentioned in the last episode that I have been doing some research for an episode on the Law of Attraction and I’m really not ready yet. I have been listening to many testimonials and learning a lot about it and I don’t want you to miss it. If you are not subscribed yet, make sure you do.

One of the things that I was reminded of and that has become so evident to me through this research is that consciously or unconsciously, we have a hunger to feed our inner self. You see, we are body, soul, and spirit. We have been created with an innate desire to know God, whether we identify it as such or not. We know within ourselves that there is a supreme being, who created the things we see when we look around, like the sun, the moon, the trees, the birds, right. We know intuitively that there is a God and when we don't have a relationship with Him, there is a void within us. We tend to seek out spiritual things without being fully aware of it. But sometimes we don't understand such desire and look in the wrong places. That's when the enemy of our souls takes advantage. The Word is so good though, because it helps us to really get to know Him and fill that void.

In this episode, I'm sharing a prayer I wrote using about 14 of His names, revealing who He is.

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