26 | Busy? Time is Never Wasted at Jesus' Feet. Five Tips for Deeper Fellowship During Busy Seasons of Life.

More Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind

Apr 16 2024 • 23 mins

In this episode I talk about deepening our fellowship and praise of God during busy seasons of life.

Please join me as we unfold the following 5 mindsets.

  • Time is never wasted at Jesus’ feet.
  • God can do more in a moment that we can in a lifetime. (Scot Pauley quote)
  • God is the God of detail and the ultimate life planner.
  • God has peace right now. So can we.
  • God, I see You.


My online Bible Study Curriculum www.thedivingdeepbiblestudy.com .

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Email jennifer@jenniferskaw.com


Website https://jenniferskaw.com/