Genesis Lesson 9: Creation vs. Evolution {Fifth Day} The Fossil Record re Dinosaurs. How DNA defies Evolution

The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast

Apr 26 2024 • 1 hr 9 mins

Genesis 1:20-23

In this lesson on God's fifth day of the Creation Week, we discuss how the Biblical record of creation clashes "head on" with the naturalistic theories of origins.  There can be no compromise between the two.  We talk about Louis Pasteur (a creationist) and his work to prove the fallacy of the spontaneous combustion concept.  We also discuss the important Law of Biogenesis!

How does the creation account of Genesis, as well as the Book of Job, tell us dinosaurs did not live on millions of years before people?  And how does the fossil record provide evidence that men and dinosaurs lived contemporaneously?

We discuss the amazing DNA super-molecule, which stores all the coded hereditary information for every living organism (and how it defies evolution).   Ever hear of the cleaning symbiosis arrangement between certain creatures?  It is a process that would never have "survived" the "trial and error" process offered by evolutionists!  What about the migratory instincts of many fish and fowl?  Again, it  totally disallows a piecemeal "trial and error" evolutionary process over millions of years.

If man wants to truly understand where life came from, he merely has to look around at creation; it will tell him in abundant ways!  "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain it to you!" (Job 12:7, 8).