Genesis Lesson 5: Creation vs. Evolution {First Day} - We Discuss ”The Day-Age Theory/Progressive Creationism

The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast

Apr 22 2024 • 1 hr 14 mins

Genesis 1:3-5.

We discuss God's first set of "Ten Commandments" and His principle of separation (found from day one of creation until the end of Revelation), and the "Day-Age Theory".  We discuss what the light of day one was, since the sun was not created until day four.  We also discuss some of the vast differences between belief in Creationism from Evolutionism and how it is literally impossible to attempt to compromise the two in such ways proposed by "The Gap Theory," "Progressive Creationism," and "Theistic Evolutionism".

The stages of creation found in Genesis chapter one follow a natural sequence; each creative act was necessary before the next creative act could take place.  It was all done in a precise and orderly process.  Man could not have survived if the order of creation was rearranged or in a different sequence.