Do not lose hope in the hope of the gospel

Sermon Shorts

Jun 5 2023 • 4 mins

What motivates runners to push through the pain and suffering of a race is the finish line. This is because the finish line transforms all the suffering required to arrive. Thus, to understand the pleasure of running, you must witness the joy of finishing.

After a race, runners stand around and talk about their run. Even while recounting the difficulties, these narratives are not complaintive. If any disappointment is expressed, it generally is over, not suffering more. The joy of the finish line diminishes the previous suffering. It even produces a desire that more should have been given.

The joy of the finish line makes the sufferings of the race light. Like runners recounting a race, I am confident that the saints will recount the sufferings of this world with joy. The hope of salvation and eternity with God makes all the sufferings of this world, no matter how great, light and transient.