Nothing compares to the glory of the gospel

Sermon Shorts

Apr 17 2023 • 4 mins

From the sermon, Better: Jesus is Greater, 2 Corinthians 3

Over twenty years ago, I purchased a Maglite flashlight. At the time, I was impressed with its ability to put out 45 lumens. However, the 45 lumens of the incandescent bulb of my Maglite loses all its charm compared to the brilliance of modern flashlights. It is not that the Maglite lost its glory; rather, something better and more powerful has overshadowed and outshined its glory.

Such it is with the law of God. When the law was given to Moses, it was glorious, but compared to the glory of Christ and the salvation He brings, it cannot compare. The glory of Christ never dims, never fades, and never ends. The glory of Christ is brighter and more glorious than anything else.