Moving Beyond Tragic Losses

Moving Beyond

Jan 13 2022 • 58 mins

Suffering multiple tragic losses throughout her lifetime, Beth reached out wanting to connect to her 17 year old daughter, Grace, who passed in an unexpected car accident. Much to her surprise, Beth's father,  was more present at the beginning of the reading. He passed away while working for Greenpeace, stumbling into a newly drilled well designed to bring fresh water to Cameroon, Africa.

Navigating her own understanding of the after life, her father brought through a much needed message  for Beth that souls never truly fade.  In the follow up conversation, Fleur and Beth discuss what time means to souls when they pass and whether or not the afterlife is chronological.  Fleur admits that her worst fear as a psychic medium is not recognizing a child who comes through in a reading and they get to discuss the struggle that Fleur had connecting with Grace initially.

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