Epiphany- Worshiping Jesus, and Finding Another Route Home

First Love Church

Jan 8 2024 • 54 mins

As the new year unfurls its wings, we embark on a voyage through the Epiphany, guided by the starlit musings of poet Malcolm Guite and the universal embrace of the divine. The First Love Church podcast welcomes you to a space where the sacred meets the stars, and the journey of the wise men unfolds as a mirror to our own pursuit of spiritual awakening. In the gentle rustle of nature and the grandeur of the cosmos, we find the light of Christ—a beacon to both Gentiles and the glory of Israel. Together, we'll foster a sense of awe that ignites our sense of the Holy, drawing us closer to the heart of worship and the boundless love of God.

Marked by signs as ancient as the Zoroastrian priests' starry trek to Bethlehem, we dissect the political quakes and societal tremors that heralded Jesus's birth, examining the stark contrast between Herod's fearful grip on power and the shepherd king's prophecy of humility and service.

In the spirit of reformers like Martin Luther, our journey demands the bravery to challenge norms and speak truths that resonate with the gospel's call for love and inclusivity.  This episode is a testament to the transformative peace that suffuses our being when we surrender to faith, and an invitation to find home within—a sacred journey where every step is illuminated by the unwavering presence of divine love.

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This podcast is made possible, thanks to the generosity of our donors. If you would like to support the ongoing work of First Love Church you can donate at https://www.firstlovechurch.org/giving

In the service of LOVE,
Pastors Dennis and Heather Drake