The Song of Salvation | Exodus 15:1-21

Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church

Apr 14 2024 • 40 mins

If you’ve ever been to a stadium to watch a sports event, you’ll know that when the final whistle goes, shouts and songs of celebration erupt from the winning side throughout the stadium. The natural response to a victory is celebration in song.

How much more appropriate is it then to sing and celebrate when it is God who has won the victory? This is precisely what we see in this text. Last week we saw how God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt by his mighty hand and outstretched arm by miraculously opening up the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to pass through in safety to the other side, while destroying Pharaoh and the host of Egypt. Now, safely on the shores, the Israelites celebrate their deliverance. They celebrate God who has crushed their enemy and saved them. How do they celebrate this victory? Through a song of praise, a song that sings of the mighty salvation of our God.

What we’re going to see in this text is that because the Lord has saved us with his mighty hand and outstretched arm, we are to sing praises to his name.

Preacher: Rev. Antonio Coppola.

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