Of Prophets and Serpents | Exodus 6:14-7:13

Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church

Mar 10 2024 • 36 mins

In the early 1800s, a revival known as the Second Great Awakening swept through large parts of North America. Lots of open air, hell-fire preaching across the country. One of the revivalist preachers most associated with this awakening was Charles Finney. His approach to revival was not so much about trusting in the power of God’s Word and Spirit, but rather about following a formula in order to get desired results. Finney believed that if the preacher was able to manufacture the right atmosphere, right background music, apply various techniques with your voice, you could manipulate people into a certain emotional state that through that, in his eyes, achieve a revival. Here’s quote from him, “A revival is not a miracle, or dependent on a miracle, in any sense. It is a purely philosophical result of the right use of the constituted means.” The modern-day church growth movement owes much of its ideas to him. In fact, the concept of the “altar call” was invented by Finney.

In this text, God calls Moses to preach his Word to Pharaoh and then tells him that Pharaoh is not going to listen in any case. Moses will do everything right – be a faithful prophet, a faithful preacher of God’s Word, yet it will fall upon deaf ears. Even a miracle is not going to change Pharaoh’s mind, as God has hardened his heart. What we’re going to see this morning is that because God is sovereign, his Word hardens some, and softens others.

Preacher: Rev. Antonio Coppola.

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