Sirian Priestess Activation - Light Language & Soul Purpose with Divine Feminine Womb Connection

Spirit Channel With Athina Bailey

Feb 8 2024 • 47 mins

This live guided activation will connect you to the Sirius star system and the Sirian priestess collective, it will support a deeper activation of your mystic, channelling and psychic work as well as deepening your connection to the Sirius star race.  You'll receive insights regarding your soul purpose and your connection to the divine feminine. You will receive deep healing and Sirian activations of your womb and crown chakra as well as earth star chakra, installing higher energetic templates. You'll receive light language activations and Sirian energetic transmission that will raise your frequency, deepen you into your divine feminine and support your divine feminine priestess work on earth.  Athina is a direct channel for Sirian light beings and will be guiding you into a deep connection and healing portal. Intro starts at the beginning, actual activation starts at 3min.

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