#114 - The tokenization process of payment systems with Salvador Mendoza, Director of Research and Development at Metabase Q

The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast

Mar 29 2024 • 27 mins

In this episode of The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast we speak with Salvador Mendoza, Director of Research and Development at Metabase Q, about the tokenization of payment systems.

Salvador is a prominent figure in the cybersecurity industry and holds the position of Director of Research and Development at Metabase Q. He is also an integral member of the Ocelot Offensive Security Team. His area of expertise lies in the intricate world of the tokenization process, payment systems, and the development of embedded prototypes. With a commendable history of presenting at high-profile security conferences including Black Hat, DEF CON, Hack in the Box, and Troopers, Salvador brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our discussion. Furthermore, he is the author of the insightful book, "Show me the e-money. Hacking digital payment systems: NFC, RFID, MST and EMV Chips," where he delves into the vulnerabilities and security measures of digital payment technologies.

You can find his book for purchase here.

And you can find the PCI spec here.

You can follow Salvaador on Twitter/X here.

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