Ego Death and Being Your Authentic Self

Ahmani's Infinite Love

Apr 22 2022 • 28 mins

What is your self image?  Who are you? These questions are important to you and the brand that you are building.  Analyze the answers to those questions and check if they are coming from the ego. The ego is defined as "a person's sense of self-esteem or self importance." Is who you say that you are in line with who you truly are?  Sit with yourself and truly think about all that you are. Don't continue to trap and hurt yourself by living in this false perception of yourself. Your ego is not the real you, it is a mask of protection. Allow yourself to uncover this veil and discover your true self. Be authentic and venerable with yourself in order to face the truth. Who are you behind all those walls, guards, and protection that you have built up? Are you accepting of you? Take some time to go to your safe place and journal, meditate, think, sing or however you chose to create and process things please do so to uncover the truth. As ego death and learning how and when to use my ego has been something huge for me lately I'd like to share my journey with you to live freely as our truest selves together. Thank you for being apart of this journey and allowing your most authentic self to be present with me. I love you infinitely!

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