Life Changing Powers of Observing, Listening and Answering Spirit Callings

Ahmani's Infinite Love

Aug 8 2023 • 54 mins

This season of my life has been asking me to truly observe what's going on in my world. The power of observation is so big and powerful that I've been sitting on that message for a little over 3 months now lol, but I am finally ready to start sharing. To truly observe is to collect information with love and not come from a place of judgement. Not many people are taught on how to really observe, which allows us to have direct access to the creators point of view.  More often than not, we learn how to judge which does not come from an objective place of love. In this episode I am sharing my truth on how I unlocked messages and gathered observations that led me across the World to sacred  places and experiences that I am detailing more about in my new patreon. I share this not brag or boast, but to provide insight on how you too can unlock these powers and messages that will help you dive deeper into your own truth and highest callings. I am grateful for the awakenings and upgrades that are taking place within by sharing this message. Infinite Love to you, and thank you for sharing this space with me!

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