How I Found Love Within Being Heartbroken and Broke

Ahmani's Infinite Love

Sep 19 2022 • 47 mins

Whew pull out the tissues for this episode! Lately I have been highlighting the success and good that comes along with being a spiritual boss, but today I let my heart speak the truth. Success and growth isn't always linear. This year was a testing time for many of us, and particularly in my experience it has broken me down to places I've never wanted to go to, but it was ultimately necessary. From experiencing my first heartbreak from a 2 year relationship to going broke and basically wanting to give up on everything.  The only thing that kept me going was the belief and hope within myself that eventually I'd get out of that dark space, while giving gratitude towards the small things, but what really woke me up is realizing that I had to stop denying myself of my truth. I had to learn to stop letting resentment from my ego guide me. I had to let love lead while operating from my heart space. I just want to be a living testimony that no matter what amount of pain, heartbreak, setbacks, lack or obstacles you've experienced so far, that things can get better, and let this be the moment that they are. Your problems will start to heal when you take to time properly to! Don't let your downfalls define you, let your come up do! Let's finish this year off better than we started, it's your time to be blessed you've gone through enough! I'm so proud of you beautiful soul. We got this, infinite love!

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