OTT 228 Small Steps, Big Leaps: Halloween STEM Projects for the Elementary Classroom

One Tired Teacher

Sep 18 2023 • 1 hr 4 mins

Halloween, the spookiest time of year, is upon us once again.

And while little goblins and witches roam the streets searching for candy, why not bring some educational magic into your elementary classroom for elementary students? Forget about the typical Halloween crafts, pumpkin carving, and a spooky Halloween tune; it's time to take small steps toward giant leaps with thrilling Halloween STEM activities! Transform your classroom into a makerspace activity filled with fun and discovery as students embark on spooky scientific adventures based on some Halloween story favorites. So grab your cauldron and broomstick because we're about to brew up some wickedly witty Halloween Story Stations that will have your students screaming for more Makerspace moments!

Why Halloween STEM Projects Are so Much Fun

Who says Halloween is all about costumes and candy? Sure, dressing up as a spooky witch, a fearsome vampire, or even as creepy crawlies can be fun, but why not take it up a notch with some Halloween STEM projects in the form of Makerspace Story Stations? These devilishly delightful activities combine the excitement of Halloween with the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math. It's like having a bubbling cauldron filled with maker space moments!

One of the reasons why Halloween STEM projects are so much fun is because they allow kids to think creatively and problem-solve in a totally different way. Whether designing and building their own haunted house from scratch or figuring out how to create a device to give a monster a haircut, these projects engage young minds in hands-on learning experiences beyond textbooks. Who wouldn't want to impress their friends with mind-bogglingly cool creations to hold a load of candy?

But it doesn't stop there! The beauty of Halloween STEM projects lies in their interdisciplinary nature. They encourage kids to explore deeper comprehension while also honing their technical and creative skills by solving the problems inside of favorite Halloween books for kids. From exploring pumpkin inventions to building a solution for a skeleton spook – these projects offer endless opportunities for kids to discover new connections between different ways of thinking.

So forget about just bobbing for apples this year and dive into the world of Halloween STEAM (STEM + Art) activities.

Exploring the Science Behind the Halloween Season

It's that time of year again when pumpkins are carved, costumes are donned, and candy corn seems to multiply overnight magically. Yes, Halloween is just around the corner - a holiday that never fails to ignite excitement and intrigue in people of all ages. But have you ever wondered what makes this spooktacular season so fascinating? Let's delve into the science behind it all and uncover some eerie insights.

First, let's talk about everyone's favorite Halloween treat - candy corn. Love it or hate

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