Discovering Your Identity in Christ with Dr. Irini Fambro

Purpose Beyond Motherhood - Finding Your God-Given Purpose Beyond Infertility And Motherhood

May 15 2023 • 38 mins

Today, we are talking with Dr. Irini Fambro about our authority in Christ, and how it translates in our lives. Dr. Irini is an author, speaker, consultant, business owner, and podcaster.

In this episode, we are diving deeper into our God given authority, speaking truth over our lives, our identity in Christ, taking thoughts captive, and more.

We live in a broken world where the enemy runs rampant. In his attack against the Kingdom of God, he will use any ground we allow him to take. We must be aware of our authority in Christ and be ready to put up our shields of faith in times of spiritual attack.

Tune in for encouragement and truth spoken by the wonderful Dr. Irini Fambro.

Episode Highlights:

  • Intro to Dr. Irini Fambro
  • Understanding your God-given authority
  • Taking care of your territory
  • Speaking truth
  • Our identity in Christ
  • Take your thoughts captive
  • Shields of Faith

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on Purpose Beyond Motherhood and Twelve 12 Ministries: