MUM 071: Nurturing Us Midwives Karen & Agnele – Epigenetics and Pregnancy

Mum's The Word

Apr 13 2017 • 50 mins

It was super exciting to talk about a topic I am passionate about and also to bring a first to Mum’s The Word, me interviewing 2 people at once!

Enjoy the wisdom from Karen and Agnele.

x Kaz

Agnele and Karen Bio

We are two midwives and two mothers and jointly co-founded Nurturing Us.

Together we want to empower women to approach their pregnancy with openness, clarity and knowledge about the connection with their baby before birth. We want to increase women’s awareness that their baby is a conscious, aware and expressive being and that a woman in pregnancy plays an active role in the development and wellbeing of their baby in utero.

We want to inspire women to believe they can make a real difference to the health and emotional wellbeing of their child’s future. The emerging research of epigenetics and peri-natal psychology clearly demonstrates that gratitude, love and connection to yourself as a pregnant woman and with your baby can make a real difference

Together we have gathered the evidence to date and developed a holistic, integrative, collaborative and complimentary approach to empowering confidence in pre-conception and pregnancy.

As women, as mothers and as midwives we hope we can leave a legacy that benefits the mother, her family and her baby as we in turn have journeyed the path with our families.

We aim to make a difference one woman at a time.

NURTURING US Contact Deets:

Pre-conception & Pregnancy Wellness One Day Urban Retreat

Instagram: @Nurturingus

Nurturing Us YouTube channel

Resources from the podcast interview

In Utero – Documentary

Bruce Lipton

Anna VerWaal

From Womb to World – the journey that shapes our life – TEDX

The Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health

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