Mickey Ellison Show

Mickey Ellison

Children are more wise than adults because they question everything, and as adults, we are often annoyed by those questions, especially the question “Why?” We adults become “set in our ways”, when in reality answering the question “why” may cause us to question what we believe. We would rather give the answer, “it just is,” because we are intellectually lazy and we really don’t know why. The question “why” is an important question because it requires critical thinking to answer. “Why” can back up our beliefs or “why” can break them down and cause us to realize that many of our thoughts are really not our own, rather they are thoughts of others that we have accepted as our own.brbr Here are some “why” questions for you to consider. Why do some churches ban dancing? David danced! Is a little inflation a good thing? Is our tax code over 70,000 pages long? Are there racists? No one is born that way! Never stop asking why! You never know what you might discover. read less
