A Positive Jam Season 1 Playlist: The Hold Steady Starter Kit

A Positive Jam

Jul 22 2020 • 15 mins

As we build up for the launch of A Positive Jam - coming in on August 5th - we're releasing a couple playlist episodes. These playlists should help you get excited to dive into the Hold Steady's debut, Almost Killed Me, and will set the context for the 2004 music scene that the Hold Steady crashed into.

In this episode, Mike Taylor walks us through his Hold Steady starter kit. The six songs - only six?! - that will get someone new to the band up to speed on what the Hold Steady is generally about. And if you're already a big fan of the band, you'll probably get fired up re-listening to these tracks. Or maybe we missed a track?  If so, you can tell us on twitter @mbrookstaylor or @danielshortman.

Check out the full playlist here - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Ail7NL4yZDOxVQgXXQvKx?si=JcONNoMoSriDi314TeXeRQ

And make sure to subscribe to A Positive Jam here:

And hold steady for our debut episode, August 5th!