Do Hard Things

Jay Tiegs & Angi Betran

Running, endurance sports, and high-performance mindset topics hosted by running coach and certified high-performance mindset coach Jay Tiegs & running coach Angi Betran. The show features inspiring interviews with athletes, top coaches, best-selling authors, and everyday people with inspiring stories. Our mission is to inspire you, empower you, and provide tactics you can use to enhance your love of running & endurance sports, cultivate a growth mindset, and live a better life.  More at:

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How to Be Your Own Bodyguarrd with Alan Earl
May 1 2024
How to Be Your Own Bodyguarrd with Alan Earl
Learn strategies to stay safe in an unpredictable world with former high-threat environment protector Alan Earl. During our in-depth discussion, we equip you with the tools to enhance your situational awareness, adopt a criminal's mindset for self-protection, and navigate potential dangers with confidence. For runners, cyclists, and everyday individuals, we offer practical tactics and principles to avoid becoming an easy target, changing the way you move through the world with a vigilant yet calm approach.From sharing tips on planning safe routes to strategies for evading threats, this episode is full of actionable tips. Listen closely as we dissect the importance of being proactive in the face of danger, emphasizing survival over victory when encountering violent situations. Our conversation provides a roadmap for runners and cyclists to maintain their passion for outdoor workouts while minimizing risks. Alan Earl is in his 30th year in law enforcement and is currently serving as a Team Leader for the U.S. Army Military Police School, Protective Services Branch, where he has instructed since 2002. He is also the founder of Defensive Applications, LLC which has the mission of providing personal safety training to professionals and citizens from all walks of life. Mr. Earl believes the same tactics and principles used to protect our countries’ leaders can be implemented in our lives to make you and your family safer.Facebook: Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Embracing Identity: A Veteran's Journey Through Transition with Kairi Saraya
Mar 6 2024
Embracing Identity: A Veteran's Journey Through Transition with Kairi Saraya
When Kairi Saraya walked into our studio, a wave of stories untold and life experiences unbeknownst to many came with her. As a former Air Force veteran turned advocate, Kairi's tale isn't just about service to the country, but also about the courage in serving her true self. Today's heartfelt discussion unveils the complex fabric of the transgender community, with Kairi guiding us through her personal odyssey towards acceptance. We uncover the nuances of gender identity, the societal hurdles, and the internal battles faced during such a profound transformation. Embracing one's truth can be a tumultuous path, yet here, Kairi exemplifies resilience and the power of living an authentic life.Parenting is no small feat, and it takes on an added dimension of complexity when intertwined with mental health challenges and a transitioning parent. Kairi opens up about retaining the essence of fatherhood through her transition, striking a delicate balance that maintains family bonds and respect for everyone's role within the familial unit. As we traverse the alarming intersection of suicide rates among veterans and transgender individuals, we confront the dire need for emotional literacy. Together, we stand firm in our mission to dismantle misconceptions and advocate for support systems that recognize the individual stories and struggles, emphasizing the vital importance of connection and support.The conversation then extends beyond the personal and into the societal, examining the strides in military inclusivity and the role of performance rather than identity. Kairi's initiative within the gaming community showcases the therapeutic potential of virtual worlds as sanctuaries for veterans seeking camaraderie and understanding. Our episode is a testament to the strength found in shared experiences and the unity of purpose within these communities. As we navigate the topics of sports, gaming, and the importance of emotional literacy, we celebrate the collective journey of growth and understanding, honoring the diverse paths that lead us to become the best versions of ourselves. Join us in this episode for an enriching exploration of life's complexities and the beautiful spectrum of human identity.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Training or Straining? Avoid Overtraining Syndrome
Mar 4 2024
Training or Straining? Avoid Overtraining Syndrome
Ever hit that wall where your legs feel like lead and your motivation is as fleeting as a mirage? Angi and I certainly have, and we're here to take you on a journey between  pushing our limits and crashing into the unwelcome arms of overtraining.  Angie\ opens up about her grueling encounter with shin splints during a Ragnar race prep, painting a vivid picture of the consequences when our mental tenacity outpaces our physical readiness. Together, we unpack the necessity of tuning into our body's whispers before they turn into screams, and how to spot the red flags that signal it's time to ease off the gas pedal.Imagine having a personal coach strapped to your wrist, quietly nudging you when to push harder or when to take a step back. That's the beauty of what gadgets like Garmin and Whoop straps offer, and we get into the nitty-gritty of how these tech pieces can be game-changers in managing training loads. But it's not all about the tech; we also stress the value of human insight. A good coach's perspective can be the difference between peaking and peaking too soon. And who knew that bursts of high-intensity intervals could be your secret weapon for improved race times while giving your body the breather it needs? We dissect the strategies for ensuring your recovery is as strategic as your training, keeping you on the track, road, or trail and out of the injury clinic.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Be a Life Warrior with Muyiwa Abediyi
Feb 28 2024
Be a Life Warrior with Muyiwa Abediyi
Have you ever wondered how an active lifestyle can profoundly shift your mindset? This week, we're joined by the great and powerful Muyiwa Abediyi, host of the Day In and Day Out podcast, who brings his infectious enthusiasm for running and a wealth of insight on the mental fortitude needed to push past personal boundaries. Together, we peel back the layers of what it means to embrace the runner's high and the psychological benefits that accompany setting one foot in front of the other.As we lace up for this journey, we recognize the importance of forging genuine connections in our digital landscapes. We reflect on the strides we've made over the past three years and the evolution of our content, all while nurturing dreams of what lies ahead. With an unwavering commitment to motivation and growth, we engage in discussions that will inspire and challenge our community. Whether discussing the humbling lessons from a failed marathon or strategies to embracing discomfort, this episode is an invitation to join a collective pursuit of self-improvement and a celebration of life's marathon.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Mapping Success: An Intro to Map Trekking
Feb 26 2024
Mapping Success: An Intro to Map Trekking
In this episode of the Do Hard Things Podcast, we provide an overview the demanding sport of Rogaining, aka Map Trekking, Discover how the principles of Rogaining—strategic planning, teamwork, and adaptation—parallel the essential life skills of punctuality, presence, service, preparedness, competence, and self-reliance. We unpack the mantra that has guided Jay through his distinguished military and personal life: Dominating the Basics. Learn the military acronym B.A.S.I.C.S. to help you dominate life. It's not just about understanding the core elements but mastering them to command your path to success. Whether you're navigating through uncharted territories or seeking to elevate your life, this episode offers a roadmap to mastering the basics in both movement and mindset, demonstrating that the foundation of achieving greatness lies in the simplicity of fundamental practices. Get ready to learn how to navigate your way through life's challenges with the precision of a Rogainer and the discipline of a leader who dominates the basics.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Pacing the Run: Embracing Negative Splits and Nurturing Personal Growth
Feb 12 2024
Pacing the Run: Embracing Negative Splits and Nurturing Personal Growth
Join Jay and Angi in this enlightening episode as they unravel the world of running splits, a crucial concept for runners of all levels seeking to improve their performance and understanding of pacing. Whether you're eyeing a personal best or just aiming to finish strong, knowing how to effectively use running splits can be your game-changer. From breaking down what splits are and their types—like even and negative splits—to guiding you on how to track and use them to your advantage, this episode covers it all. Plus, we dive deep into the mindset that fuels consistent training and improvement. By exploring the metaphor of "the grass is greener where you water it," we emphasize the importance of self-growth through mindset and movement. Whether you're a seasoned runner or lacing up for the first time, learn how to leverage splits to enhance your running strategy, and discover how nurturing your own 'grass' with the right mindset and physical activity can lead to personal bests both on and off the track.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
The Imposter Within with Rocky Garza
Jan 31 2024
The Imposter Within with Rocky Garza
Ever feel like an imposter? Imagine unlocking the secrets to self-acceptance and a confidence that resonates from within. That's exactly what clarity coach and speaker Rocky Garza invites us to do in a conversation that is as raw as it is revolutionary. With Rocky's guidance, we peel back the layers of our own narratives to confront the fears and desires that mold our identities. It's a journey that promises not just insights but transformative action through the art of identity mapping, challenging our thoughts, and embracing vulnerability.As we navigate the intricacies of self-awareness, Rocky introduces us to the impactful concept of identity mapping, helping us articulate our values and live more genuine lives. We discover the power of core values, the clarity they bring to decision-making, and the strength that comes with knowing oneself beyond professional titles. Through personal stories and candid confessions, Rocky and I also tackle the warrior's spirit within us all, preparing us for the daily battles of life with emotional readiness and a mindset that cultivates growth and healing in the face of adversity.The episode culminates in an exploration of the profound effects of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the importance of vulnerability in personal development. We hear heart-touching narratives of making amends, the courage it takes to mend strained bonds, and the enduring connections that result. And for those on a quest to be guided to their best selves, Rocky's own story illustrates the life-altering power of coaching, providing a beacon of hope for anyone feeling lost or stuck. Join us for this incredible journey with Rocky Garza, and step into the clarity and confidence that awaits.Bio: Rocky Garza is extremely good at one thing, helping individuals see the clearest picture of themselves that they’ve ever seen. Clarity about who you are, what you do, and why you do it makes you a better employee, friend, parent, and spouse. How much more focused would you be at your job if you were acutely aware of what your strengths are and how to utilize them best? How much more sure would you feel about making big life decisions knowing that your core values aligned with your choice? Answers to questions like these are what you find working with Rocky.After graduating with a communications degree from Texas A&M University, Rocky has helped thousands of individuals find their clarity while serving as the director of a youth camp, on the pastoral staff at Chase Oaks church, owning and operating multiple creative businesses, and even most recently as a coach to high achievers and acclaimed keynote speaker to purpose-driven companies. In all of his roles Rocky has had one goal, to challenge the stories we tell ourselves so that we can experience the freedom and confidence of living vulnerably. Clarity, transformation, freedom—that's why Rocky does what he does. That’s why every one of his coaching sessions, workshops, and keynotes can be boiled down to one simple truth: that wWelcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
The Slow Lane: 6 Unexpected Benefits of Slow Running
Jan 22 2024
The Slow Lane: 6 Unexpected Benefits of Slow Running
Ever wondered why some runners seem to effortlessly glide through marathons while others huff and puff their way to the finish line? Angie and I unravel this mystery and more as we share the surprising advantages of hitting the brakes on your running routine. Slowing down, it turns out, is not just for the tortoises of the world – it's a strategy packed with benefits that can take your performance to the next level. From building endurance to mastering the art of fat burning for energy, we dive into the physiological and psychological perks that come with a leisurely pace. Angie's vibrant enthusiasm shines through as we discuss how this approach can transform your running experience, making it more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.This episode is a celebration of taking the scenic route in your running journey, focusing on how it can bolster your mental and physical health. We share stories from our own lives, including how incorporating walking and slower paces has not only eased back pain but also opened up a world of meditative bliss. Join us as we explore the zen of running in snow, the empowerment of a strong mind-body connection, and the importance of the mantra "run slow to run fast." The conversation extends an invitation to our community of runners to engage with our challenges and events, including the upcoming Taji 100 and the Do Hard Things challenge.  So lace up your sneakers, turn up the volume, and let's hit the path less traveled – where slow and steady wins the race.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Racing the Clock in Castlewood: Urban Adventure and Unlikely Partnerships
Jan 10 2024
Racing the Clock in Castlewood: Urban Adventure and Unlikely Partnerships
Ever wonder what it's like to team up with a near stranger for a grueling 8-hour adventure race? That's exactly the twist fate handed me and my new partner, Greg, after my original teammate had to bow out due to injury. Our impromptu duo faced the Castlewood 8-hour adventure race head-on, and this podcast is your opportunity to ride shotgun through the entire electrifying experience. From the pre-race jitters as we laid eyes on a daunting pile of maps, to the warm embrace of the adventure racing community, we navigated the unexpected urban labyrinth in honor of the late David Frey. Navigating the urban sprawl of St. Louis became our unexpected playground as we raced against the clock, and I share the pulse-pounding decisions that shaped our race day. The cold morning rush to the start line, the strategic selection of biking over running, and the grueling checkpoints that pushed us to our limits - it's all here in vivid detail. And for those who think adventure is solely about nature, our urban escapade will flip that notion on its head. This was a race that tested not just our stamina, but our ability to adapt, think quickly, and maintain a level head when things didn't go according to plan.Looking ahead, I tease an upcoming challenge: the Pier Marquette Trail Run. Here, I switch gears from pedal to pace as I tackle the rugged terrain with my road-running friend Lacey. Prepare to be transported to the trails as we recount the thrills, spills, and camaraderie of this off-road adventure in a future episode. Whether it's navigating city streets or navigating steep trails, the spirit of adventure pulses through every story shared. Join me, jtiggs, for a journey that goes beyond mere race recaps and into the heart of what it means to embrace the unexpected in the wild world of adventure racing.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Live Inspired: Nick Klingensmith's Journey from Cancer to Spartan Athlete
Jan 3 2024
Live Inspired: Nick Klingensmith's Journey from Cancer to Spartan Athlete
Buckle up, as we journey through Nick Klingensmith's harrowing yet triumphant saga, where he turns his darkest moments into milestones of victory. Embarking on an intimate exploration of resilience, Nick opens up about the grit it takes to conquer cancer, addiction, and a spectrum of health battles. His is a narrative that stretches beyond mere survival; it's an anthem for those who choose to wield the 'Do Hard Things' mindset as a weapon against life's harshest trials.Prepare to be inspired by the raw power of human determination as Nick delves into the heart of overcoming obstacles. Through his account of a life-altering wake-up call in Las Vegas, to the grueling yet transformative world of obstacle course racing, we uncover the mental and emotional fortitude that shapes a true champion. Nick's personal anecdotes serve as vivid illustrations of the indispensability of mindset, illustrating that whether we're facing our own health battles or striving for personal growth, our attitude can make all the difference.This episode isn't merely a conversation; it's a call to arms for anyone standing at the crossroads of indecision or fear. Nick imparts wisdom on how to build a life that's not only in sync with our passions but also capable of igniting a spark in others. His reflections on immediate action, vulnerability, and community resonate as an anthem for all of us, encouraging listeners to embrace the now and chase their dreams with fervor. Join us and let Nick's journey galvanize you to face your battles with courage and live a life marked by inspired action.Nick Klingensmith: @stridemotivationemail: booking@stridemotivation.comwebsite: www.stridemotivation.comWelcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Happy New Year Resolution Pitfalls and how to prepare for DHT28 Challenge
Jan 1 2024
Happy New Year Resolution Pitfalls and how to prepare for DHT28 Challenge
Welcome Friends/Citizens of the Do Hard Things Nation to another episode of the Do Hard Things Podcast, I am Jay Tiegs, your running coach, certified high-performance mindset and life coach, and founder of the Do Hard Things Nation and I would like to welcome you to another episode of the DHT Podcast. If you want to make 2024 your best, you must avoid this one New Year's Resolution pitfall that causes everyone to quit after 2 weeks.   I am going to give the pitfall and three strategies to avoid it... This episode is sponsored by The Do Hard Things Nation.  A community committed to living life on offense,  united by a focus on  continuous self- improvement through mindset and movement. Monthly challenges, Merch that inspires, In person events, Running Coaching Plans and Mindset Performance Coaching, and a Book Club. Network - to create an environment where high-caliber men and women could connect and build relationships. Iron Sharpens IronFrameworks-Actual tools and training that are relevant and relatable. Challenge- To grow we need to be challenged. Accountability - to hold myself accountable for achieving all of my goals and objectives. Become a Do Hard Things Premium Member- Custom Running Plan, Group High-Performance and Mindset Coaching and Journal prompts, and Do Hard Things Book Club and Academy Membership - running and mindset/life coaching. www.dohardthingsnation.comWelcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching:
Do Hard Things 28-Day Challenge: Unleashing Discipline and High-Performance Habits for the New Year
Dec 29 2023
Do Hard Things 28-Day Challenge: Unleashing Discipline and High-Performance Habits for the New Year
Get ready to tackle the "Do Hard Things 28" challenge, an intense 28-day adventure designed to instill high-performance habits and kickstart self-improvement for the new year. As your host, I bring my background as a father, coach, and army retiree into play, sharing my unwavering belief in the power of discipline and physical rigor to unlock personal freedom. This episode isn't just about toughening up; it's a heartfelt exploration of the beauty in life's simple moments, such as the joys of holiday connections with family, and how they fuel our aspirations for betterment.Strap in as I guide you through the mines and valleys of the "Do Hard Things 28-Day Challenge," which starts on January 1. You'll learn how to join and adapt to the daily scalable tactics, even on those less-than-perfect days. I crack the code on integrating habits like gratitude, sleep, and meditation into your routine, and introduce a point system for added motivation. Plus, you'll get a glimpse into upcoming live high-performance trainings and discover the supportive community that's ready to cheer you on. This chapter is your map to forging a regimen that prioritizes holistic well-being and fosters a sharp focus on the present.Brace for impact as we discuss the power of consistent habits and the fortitude of a strong community in the face of 2024's uncertainties, such as global events and the foreboding election. I urge listeners to seize control over their actions and mindsets, cultivating a resilience that transcends the physical. By sharing my own commitments to personal challenges and the proactive lifestyle I advocate, I extend an invitation to you to be part of a community that doesn't shy away from doing hard things. Together, we're setting the stage for a year of extraordinary strength and positivity, fully equipped to face whatever comes our way with enthusiasm and certainty.Welcome to the Do Hard Things Podcast with your host Jay Tiegs, Are you ready to amplify and improve your life? Then you are in the right place.  On this podcast we have unfiltered conversation with inspiring people who take on challenges and share with us, the wisdom from their journey. We talk about how doing hard things adequately enable all of us to deal with life's struggles and challenges and ultimately improve the quality of our lives.  Do Hard Things Link Tree: the Do Hard Things Nation Facebook Community: Do Hard Things Swag/Join an Event/Get Running Coaching: