Mark 12:38-44. Givers and Takers

Walnut Park Baptist Church Podcast

Feb 26 2024 • 38 mins

We will study Mark 12:38-44 on Sunday morning. In that text Jesus gives a warning, “Beware of the scribes (vs.38),” and Jesus gives a compliment, “This poor widow put in more than all those (vs 43).” We need to understand why Jesus cautions us against takers, and why he compliments the humble giver. More importantly, we need to actively apply Christ’s teaching. Ask yourself, am I a taker or a giver?

Takers will say, “I need you to do this.” Givers will say, “what can I do for you?”

Takers are focused on their own agenda. Givers want to further your agenda.

Takers resent requests that they give of their time or energy or resources. Givers relish the opportunity to do so.

Takers are greedy. Givers are gracious.

Takers are entitled. Givers enable.

Takers use people. Givers serve people.

Takers are concerned about themselves. Givers are concerned for others.

Takers will stab you in the back. Givers will give you the shirt off their back.