055: Fiona Apple, Together At Home, Corona Bug Chasers

The Antiquiet Podcast

Oct 30 2021 • 26 mins

AQP55 covers quite a bit of ground in short order, from thoughts on the 'One World: Together at Home' broadcast, to your options in Ticketmaster’s predatory ticket refund policy change. Then there's the coronavirus bug-chasers mass-protesting against that awesome band Bill Gates & the Deep State and their plans to microchip us and kill us with 5G towers or something.Also covered: the new Fiona Apple record, which couldn’t be more perfectly timed - arriving when we’re all stuck in our homes, hair grown out and unkempt, restlessly walking in circles, wearing stained pajamas while our pets freak out wondering what the hell is happening.

It’s a perfect mood-setter for ‘Fetch the Bolt Cutters,’ a magnificent album and the running leader for album of the year.