Oct 12 2023 • 54 mins


• INTRO -  Lizzy Hale will talk to us about what it's like to be on tour after Covid, we've pulled an old interview with Fred Durst about their insane success right out of the gate, we'll play a CRINGE PSA that Crossfade did, and a comedian makes fun of the song CREEP by RADIOHEAD - he says that something comes over white people when we hear it. And . . . he ain't wrong. Let's start it off with Pretty Reckless.

• Drop

• Pretty Reckless - Oh My God


• Pop Evil - Torn To Pieces

• TALK - Pop Evil - about to be out on tour. Here. I'm a big fan of the band Crossfade. Nice dudes. They did a PSA back in the day against bullying, and we can never let this die. It sounds like a boyband. hahaha - AUDIO - I know I'm making fun of it, but they were trying to help, and good for them. Here they are with Cold.


• Crossfade - Cold


• Steven Tyler - Dream On

• TALK - Sunday Stripped - yada.  Gonna play some Halestorm. They're about to head over to Germany to tour, here's Lizzy talking about finally being able to tour. AUDIO

• Halestorm - Love Bites

("Acoustic rock that rocks" - drop played out)



• TALK - Sunday Stripped - Acoustic Rock that ROCKS. Up to the cover of the week.  This is a strange pairing, but it's Fred Durst with Jon Reznick from the GOO GOO DOLLS doing Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here.

• Drop

• Limp Bizkit and John Reznick from the Goo Goo Dolls - Cover of WISH YOU WERE HERE

• Drop

• Bad Wolves - Hear Me Now ft. Diamante

• TALK -  SUNDAY STRIPPED - acoustic rock that rocks. Bad Wolves featuring Diamante. Radiohead's song Creep. One of my favorite comedians to interview was always Patrice O'neal. He's no longer with us, so rest in peace my friend. Here's an older interview with him where he talks about white people and that song. And it's so so damned true. AUDIO


• Radiohead - Creep


• Metallica - Turn The Page


• Corey Taylor - Black Eyes Blue

• TALK - SUNDAY STRIPPED - well there you have it. The show for October 15th, coming to a close.

("This is Sunday Stripped" - drop out)