Defying Surveillance: The Persecution of God’s People in China's Antichrist Regime

Chronicles of the End Times

Feb 10 2024 • 7 mins

Could the unyielding spirit of faith overcome the iron grip of China's surveillance state? Amidst the escalating oppression, house churches continue to flourish, demonstrating the indomitable urge for spiritual liberation that defies the CCP's stringent atheistic mandates.

This episode takes you through the labyrinth of China's state-sanctioned religious suppression, where facial recognition technology is leveraged not for security but to stifle religious expression. Listen to an excerpt from a CBN interview with Bob Fu, the founder of China Aid and a beacon of hope for persecuted Christians in China. He discusses the complexities of practicing faith under the watchful eye of the CCP. Learn about the criminalization of church donations to imprison local pastors and the audacious rewriting of sacred texts to align with party ideology. As you listen, you'll gain an understanding of the resilience and courage it takes for believers to hold onto their faith in Jesus and the remarkable ways in which the Gospel's influence persists amidst one of the modern era's most formidable challenges to religious freedom.