I don't know about you, but I suffer from clutter. Clutter not only in a physical sense but in so many areas of my life. How does clutter affect your life? How does it affect your mental well-being or whole self-care? Could clutter be keeping you from achieving what you want to achieve? Could clutter be keeping you from creating a margin in your life? Could clutter be a crutch that is keeping you from a thriving life? Today we talk about part 1- the physical space. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about all aspects of clutter, from physical to emotional and even spiritual clutter. I can't wait to dive in with you!

YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! I have finally arrived (according to my teenager). Go check it out! I'll be dropping videos in each week. Please like and subscribe and do all the things.  :)

I mentioned a workshop coming up!  Are you ready to THRIVE through life? Are you ready to find out why what you have been doing hasn't been working and why you shouldn't wait to start living your life? This workshop is for you! Check out my website for the upcoming dates and times! Here is the link for the next few dates!!! COME hangout with me! I promise you it WILL be worth it!

We all go through things that are really hard. We go through trials, refinement, loss, divorce, separation, loss of a job, loss of confidence, loss of identity...you name it I bet you have experienced it. What if I told you that there is a way to fast-track your healing? To laser focus your core needs and understand how your needs turned into a fear that shades your grief? What if I told you that you don't have to spend YEARS trying to understand your grief and loss? What if I told you that there is a faster way through the pain and suffering and sorrow that you are experiencing? Well, friend, there is. It's not a shortcut. It's not going around and avoiding the things you are going through- it is hitting it straight on. Let's get ready to say yes to ourselves, our healing, our lives...say yes to becoming a healthier version of you. The YOU you desire. The YOU you deserve and those who love you the most want to see.

Are you ready (or not) to find out what's possible? Are you feeling that urge that where you are, is not where you want to be? Are you feeling like you want to make a change, but can't figure out how, what, or when? Do you want more out of life? Or are you at the point where I was- you were just tired of listening to your own excuses? Reach out to me!  I have opened a few more 1:1 coaching spots up-- one of them is waiting for you!  Click this link to schedule your complimentary discovery call and just see what the possibilities could look like.

Let's Go Deeper!!! Click Here!

If you are interested in the Her Restored Spirit Pathway Journal get it right here!  Are you looking for an opportunity to change your life? Transform your mind from broken to beautiful? From pain to healing? This journal is a perfect first step!  I love having a pathway to follow- give me steps and I can do it. I need to know some instructions- well this is what I did for you! This is the pathway that God had me explore. Step by step each building on each other and every time I go through the journal I find deeper healing. SO join me! Her Restored Spirit Pathway Journal

LOVE THE ENNEAGRAM? Me too! Here is your FREE Enneagram Assessment! You'll get a detailed report and find out some amazing information about the Enneagram!

Find me: @tamimariecoaching on Instagram and Facebook

Email me:  tami@tamimariecoaching.com

My website is www.tamimariecoaching.com

Send me a DM! I would love to connect with you!

For more information on the Song Home by my amazing friend Rachel Wells check out Music on a Mission by Rachel Marie Wells on iTunes.

Copyright Daily Choosing Joy LLC 2022