Episode 69 - Chris Willard - Cultivating a Lifestyle of Beauty - Part 2

The Journey Expressed

Mar 8 2023 • 21 mins

Part 2 of 3

In this episode, Chris Willard joins The Journey Expressed to continue sharing about how to cultivate a lifestyle of beauty.  Chris shares simple, yet profound insights that she has discovered in her pursuit of cultivating beauty within her marriage which include:

Learn the art of paying attention
Be in the moment
Live your real life together
Put aside something in your day to be with your husband
Grow in your own character and knowledge

Chris also shares the backstory of how she began writing her newsletter/devotional called Mend.

Favorite quotes from this episode:
"If we don't live (this one) life as beautifully and bravely as we can, we're fools" Reference from Buechner's book: The Hungering Dark

"There has to be mystery" Mark Foreman

"As women especially, we have all these different roles and jobs that we're expected to be juggling and sometimes we get confidence with the more roles we have, the better we feel about ourselves, but what happens...when we pursue all these different activities it leads to a fragmentation of our souls and we don't really know who we are because we're so busy doing things that we haven't spent time in the Word....its the Word of God that mends....God picks up all these broken pieces and mends them and restores order in our hearts" - Chris

"Our purpose is to live for glory. Its not to be pulled, its not to be splintered or shredded" - Chris

Books referenced:
The Hungering Dark by Frederick Buechner
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Find Chris on Instagram: @splintersong

Find Chris's newsletter & more: https://christinewillard.substack.com/


Thank you for joining us on The Journey Expressed - come back next time for part 3 where Chris shares about cultivating beauty in friendship!