Where To Start Reading Your Bible and Hearing God #4

The Kingdom Cowboy

Jan 11 2024 • 17 mins

Summary: Learning to read and grasping an understanding of the Bible opens up that ability to start hearing God’s voice, the reality of becoming one of God’s sons and coming to know God as Father, and not just about Him. So you can see how the Bible becomes the gateway to just about everything that God has for us.

Show Notes: • Andy explains how he started reading the Bible. • He prefers the book of John as a starting place because it refers quite a bit more regarding the Father than the other three gospels. • Andy has made hearing from God a huge priority for many years. • He encourages beginners to not to read a lot at one time. Better to read just a chapter at a time. • We are encouraged to meditate at times on the word, in that you just read to let it sink in a little. • Understanding that God is Father and starting to relate to Him as such sets every other thing, both spiritual, and non spiritual in perfect perspective.

Quotes: • After being asked questions, I’d look in the Bible, I’d look, look, look, look, look. That’s how I learned my way around the Bible. • I think it’s really, really important that you get an early-on understanding of grace and the new covenant is that you start in the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but first in the book of John. John refers to the Father quite a bit more. • All scripture is given by inspiration from God. • I’ve never heard the audible voice of God, but that’s not the only way that God speaks. He’s got all kinds of ways of speaking to us. And one of the key ways is the word of God. • The word says that the Holy Spirit is our teacher. And He lives in us. He quickens and makes alive the words that we read • Prepare your heart, get in the moment and deal with the distractions. • When we hear God, you gotta at least assume that there’s more to it than what you first understand. • Learning to come into our sonship is one of the key elements of the Kingdom life. • A key thing in the kingdom life is learning that we’re a handpicked son, which is not gender specific.• A key thing in the kingdom life is learning that we’re a handpicked son, which is not gender specific.

References: Book by Dallas Willard, “Developing a Conversational Relationship with God”. Romans 8:14 Acts 17:26 Galatians 4:6

Take Away: Learning to read and grasping an understanding of the Bible opens up that ability to start hearing God’s voice, the reality of becoming one of God’s sons and coming to know God as Father, and not just about Him