How To Listen And Spend Time With The Father #3

The Kingdom Cowboy

Jan 8 2024 • 17 mins


It’s having a relationship where you start to hear the voice of God, and the many ways that the Father can speak to you. It’s so important to set aside quiet time, where it’s just you and Him. There is no substitute for getting to know the Father through spending time with Him, to learn His voice.

Show Notes:

  • When we should make it a priority to spend time with the Lord. It’s just making time with Him and focusing on Him with no agenda.

  • When starting out having quiet times with the Father, it better to do it in short increments of time, where you can really focus on Him.

  • The more you practice these things, the easier it gets to get past the distractions and really focus on the Father.

  • In Philippians 4:8, it talks about meditating on things that are pure, lovely, noble right, admirable and excellent.

  • God can and does speak to us in so many different ways in including our circumstances, audibly, dreams, and visions,a word of wisdom and knowledge, but the two that stand out are that a small still voice and through God’s written Word.

  • When starting to read the Bible, you don’t have to read a lot. Find a place with some words that Jesus spoke would be great.


  • I don’t have a certain set time or day that I spend time with Him, but I do have some times during the week, several times during the week.

  • If we experience nothing more than His presence when spending time with the Father, that’s enough.

  • When reading the word, start with some of the words of Jesus would be great.

  • It’s always just you and Him. That’s the kind of commitment that God has made with us. And He’ll never leave us nor forsake us...

  • Don’t over try. Meditate, think and get in the moment and just listen. It’s simple.


Philippians 4:8

Hebrews 13:5-6

Matthew 24:24

Proverbs 3:5

Take Away:

God is always here with us. It’s up to each of us to give Him time where He can speak to us and guide us every day. There is no substitute for getting to know the Father through spending time with Him, to learn His voice.