You Must Be Born Again #21

The Kingdom Cowboy

May 14 2024 • 20 mins


Being saved, or born again, is not the complicated action that many make it out to be. It say’s in Revelation 3:20, that the Lord stands at the door and knocks. All we really have to do is just open the door and receive Him into our hearts. Very simple! After that, it is our responsibility not to dwell at that initial salvation experience, but to keep exposing ourselves, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to what the Father wants us to become and to do. The purpose is actullay to become like Jesus.

Show Notes:

  • When Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and Jesus told him that he must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, he asked, “How can a person be born again?” That’s a question most people have in the beginning of their walk with God.
  • Being born again is not logical to the human reasoning. The understanding only comes when you open up to salvation and His Spirit.

  • Being saved, or born again, is not the end game. It’s just the beginning to becoming a mature son or daughter in the Lord, and it’s a lifetime process to become like Jesus.

  • When we first get saved, or have an initial experience with the Father, it can be like going on a honeymoon with Him and it lights you up in your spirit. But the feeling can taper off after a while There really is no such thing in the Bible as a sinner’s prayer. All you actullay have to do is open up when He knocks on the door of your heart, and just receive Him in.

  • After your salvation experience, at some point the enemy will try to convince you that you aren’t saved. That is the evidence that you are saved.

  • We don’t have to be a professional at all to help guide someone to Jesus. All we have to do is encourage a person to receive Jesus into their heart. No big prayer or anything. This is happening so much in this season. If you don’t keep reaching into Him with the help of the Holy Spirit.


  • Don’t try to justify with logic that which can only be attained and understood by faith. One is spiritual, the other is flesh.

  • When you are born again, you are in the Kingdom. Actually, if we are alive and on the planet, we are in the Kingdom. We may not be connected through salvation by being born again, but the Kingdom of God is the domain under which God is the King.

  • The evangelical church has made being born again the end game. If we are not careful, we get a lot of people saved, but we don’t get a lot of people established and in growing in their faith. We really make a point of that around here.

  • When I was born again, I knew that something had happened. Because, when I would do something or say something that was out of the character of Jesus, I immediately knew it. And that’s a sensitive asset that the Holy Spirit brings into our lives, that helps guide us and connect us. Hopefully, we never lose that.

  • No man comes to the Father unless the spirit draws him. The Spirit of God draws us to the Lord. We can either say yes or we can say no.

  • You can’t find anywhere in the Bible that the 12 were even saved. They just began to walk with Jesus.

  • All it takes is for you to just say, “Lord, I receive you into my life”.

  • God is trusting the spiritual well being of these 8 billion people to you, and people like you. That’s a huge responsibility.


John 3:1-16

Revelation 3:20

Matthew 16:19


Being born again is not the end of the game for a Christian, but it’s just the first step in growing and maturing in God, so that we are able to have a close relationship with Him, and become like Him in our lives. It’s tragic for any Christian to just receive salvation, when there is so much to have and to be in God.